Rests any suggestions


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I'm looking at buying a new rest for my bow. Right now I have a Fuse whisker biscuit. I have read stuff on here about how the bristles cause your arrow to move alittle during flight and also after a while it wears on your feathers. Just wanting to know what you guys might suggest. I do like the capturing feature of the WB. I mainly hunt out of a tree, but would do occasional stalk. Thanks in advance!


'07 Bowtech Guardian

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No problems here with my WB rest! ;) I use Bohning Blazers through mine. The Bohning Killer Vanes also work well. Just never use a helical with the Killer vanes. Now I do use a helical with the Blazers. But since the vane is so short, it doesn't seem to effect the WB. So far so good! Maybe you just need a vane switch!

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I shoot the WB as well and I can't find a single complaint with it. You have advantages with each style but mainly it's a matter of oppinion for everyone. I shot a drop away for a while but realized too late that I had to adjust way too often when trying to tune my shot. I shoot the same dart like arrows with the WB that I did before with no moving parts. I'm not knocking the Drop aways but just letting you know what I prefer.

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I shot a W/B for 1 year then went to Muzzy Zero Effect for 4 years til I sold my Outback. Bought a Mathews XT and shot a Ripcord last deer season and just installed a QAD Ultra Rest HD over a month ago. And of all the rest I've used the QAD HD is my favorite by far. It contains the arrow completely and when at full draw you can let up and not have to worry about the arrow falling off or having to re- lock/cock the rest arm. It's easy to tune and stay tuned. My second choice would be the Muzzy Z/E.

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Guest liv2hunt

If you are thinking about going with a drop away look into the Limbdriver by Vapor Trail. I have one on both of my bows and love it. They are basically as bulletproof as a dropaway gets,and any problems you may have can be fixed in the field. They also support the arrow longer than other dropaways which makes them more accurate.

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Muzzy Zero Effect drop-away. It's the only one that is forced away from the arrow shaft and doesn't depend on gravity to pull the arm down. If set up properly, there's nothing better. It's very quiet, and you know there won't be any contact. You can also turn the bow sideways, and the arrow won't fall out. Just my 2 cents! I've heard good things about the Trophy Taker Shakey Hunter as well.

Take care,


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