Venison J&C Summer Sausage & Trail Bologna


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Went to BassPro last weekend for there Fall Hunting Extravaganza... Buzzed through the sausage making department and picked up some collagen casings..

Thought I would do some jalapeno & cheese summer sausage and some trail bologna..

First test run doing bologna... 5lbs. each... Ground and in the cooler... These puppies will hit the smoker in the AM...



Bologna is on the left.... I did manage emulsifying 5lbs. down to fit in four 1lb. casings..



Popped them in the smoker to dry .... Sausage was at 44* and ready to smoke


I used Pecan wood for smoke...

They Finally got done... Good grief I didn't think these were going to get done.. 11 hours on the smoker.. I cooked butts faster than this..

Since it was so dang hot here last weekend (104*) I felt the minion method would be the best way to go, so I didn't over cook them.. Kept the smoker running 180-195* most of the day.. Topped out at 207* for a bit and dropped to 160* at one point..

Needless to say... were done..



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I have been meaning to give that I try,Do you have your own recipe that you use or do go the premixed route,also what temp do consider the sausage done?

This time I used LEM's premixed seasonings.... Smoked to a internal temp of 152*... pull from the smoker and hit them with cool water till temp drops to 100*. Let hang and bloom at room temp for 2-3 hours..

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This time I used LEM's premixed seasonings.... Smoked to a internal temp of 152*... pull from the smoker and hit them with cool water till temp drops to 100*. Let hang and bloom at room temp for 2-3 hours..
Thanks,never thought about cooling them before with water,I would have just hung them and air cooled them.I'll have to give it a try when I get back into the house.
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