Broadhead selection for wife?


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I know there are a ton of threads about broadheads, but not many on low poundage bows. My wife is shooting a Hoyt Trykon Sport at 40 lbs. I am thinking of going with the G5 Montec 85 grains. I am open to suggestions with this one, anyone have luck with something else at a light draw weight?

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I shoot a 52" 43# Fred Bear Kodiak Magnum recurve and a custom made 62" 46# longbow. I use 2114 aluminums and Magnus Stinger two-blade (with two mini blades on the side) broadheads. This same arrow/broadhead set up could be used out of a compound as well. Good luck!

Dakota :)

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broadheads for low poundage

Well my son shot alpine micro 38 pounds with a 2 blade mangus broad head at 20 yards went in behind shoulder out all the way to feather thru far shoulder at 20 yards.Wasp makes the sharp shooter 1 inch cut on contact two blade or 4 blade with bleeders blade in.The land shark is another cut on contact head with sweeping blades should work well with low poundage.The B52 montec two blade ( 50 pounds kills hogs )with this head.The G5 85 grain might work well also.

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Guest madabouthuntin

If they are legal in your state, I would look at the American Broadhead Sonic Fury Heads. They have super sharp and cut on contact. They also fly just like your field points. I use the Sonic Pro 1" cut 100 Grain heads myself and LOVE THEM!


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My best friend has had 3 shoulder operations so he shoots what I consider a low poundage bow pulling 50 lbs. He shoots 100 gr. G5's with his. I know for a fact that on one occasion he shot through both of the shoulder blades of a doe with that setup. The arrow was still sticking out of the doe's off shoulder when she left but obviously she didn't go far. I was there to help drag and lend a helping hand cleaning that one.

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Man I thought you wanted a broadhead to use on your wife:eek:, and I was going to talk you out of it:p

My daughter has used 85 grain Ultimate Steel and 85 grain Slick Tricks with success, the slick tricks fly better.

I am dropping from 72 lbs to 53lbs for part or all of the season, due to a shoulder injury. I am going to try the Slick Tricks in 100 grain magnums and 100 grain Magnuss Stingers, on a 400 grain total wt arrow, shot at 29 " draw. It is new territory for me. Good luck to you.

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