Venison Jerky


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1. Do you prefer whole muscle sliced thin or ground meat jerky? After having it both ways, I prefer ground jerky. It seems to have a better flavor and is much easier to eat.

2. Do you use an oven, dehydrator, or smoker for your jerky? I have used the dehydrator method, but I prefer the oven. My next batch will be done in the smoker.

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Re: Venison Jerky

I've never tried making jerky with ground meat, but after reading your post I may give it a try. I prefer the jerky I make in my smoker, I think it has a better aroma and flavor, but more times than not I'll make it in my dehydrator simply because it's a much simpler process. Either way it doesn't last to long once we start eating it.

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Re: Venison Jerky


I prefer to thin slice the whole muscle, I like the fiberous texture it has vs. a non-viberous texture when you grind it...but hey when comes to Jerky it's all to his/her own I don't really think there's a right or wrong way to prepare it as far as slicing or grinding it...

I use a American Harveter 10 tray dehydrator, with an adjustable thermoastat. But would really love to try a smoker I hear it's the best..... smile.gif

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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: Venison Jerky

i have never made it i was planning to if i got a deer this season but oo well theres always next year but when it comes to jerky jerky is jerky

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Re: Venison Jerky

I prefer the whole muscle jerky. You get more flavor out of a piece of the thick stuff. Sure, you have to chew some it for half an hour....but what flavor!! grin.gif

I use a dehydrator for my personal jerky. Put it on at night, and wake up the next morning to a jerky breakfast.

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