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Seems like we went from EXTREMELY hot and dry, (over 100 for about 15 days straight) to rain and LOTS of it. It has been raining off and on since Thursday, until yesterday, it started somewhere around lunchtime, and hasn't quit. Parts of the state have recieved 2" plus since around midnight, and many area under a flash flood watch. This is good though, as it is about time to put food plots in, so the ground won't be nearly as hard

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Crazy weather patterns-global warming,lol.:rolleyes::o

We went from flooding in the spring to another summertime drought here Jason. This year has been almost as bad where we are as last years drought.:( Fortunately has not been as hot.:o Rain seems to go north or south of us, occasionally splits and we get missed, been a while since we have had a good steady rain, my pastures and food plots are in pretty sad shape.:(

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the outter bans of Fay are here hitting me now...we should see more intense conditions as the evening arrives....as long as those tornado's stay away I'll be happy....


Thanks Gator-

it's now 6:04 and the winds are whipping, but i still have power, pretty good for being in Brevard County:) ,

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Its been nice! Two Saturdays ago we got over 5" in one night in my neck of the woods. Its rained off and on since. We havent been dry at all this year which is very odd.

We did break 100 for about 10-14days but then its dropped off sharply. Tulsa is in the 70's and has been all day. Its been very, very mild for August. We may actually have a fall this year.

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I'm underwater here...not much of a back yard, i haven't looked out front but i know the streets are flooded as well......wishing I could send y'all some water your way...I do believe it would be much worse but since the fires, we have had all new electric lines and poles go up and theres no vegetation around, so i'm tickled pink about still having power...I'm going to see if i can get to work later, I know there's trees laying all over the roads there...Chainsaw is ready to go to work....

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William, you'd love what we are getting hit with, it isn't a hard rainj, just a good steady soaking rain.

That is what we need Jason, a nice soaking rain. Looking at the radar right now, looks like we might just luck out and get some rain today. If we don't get some soon, I am probably going to have to start feeding hay early.:eek::(

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