2008 Deer Hunting Goals


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So far I have these......but could always add more:D

1. Hunt smarter......(scent control, don't over hunt an area, wind direction, stand placement, stay out of certain areas)

2. Successfully video tape a good quality successfully hunt.

3. Shoot P&Y class buck with bow.

4. Shoot at least 2 does with bow.

5. shoot a quality older buck with gun.

6. Have at least 5 does shot off our property

Will all these happen.....Probably not but that is why they are goals ;)

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Get my dad a nice buck! I am not sure what my goal's are this year, new baby at home, I have a full week off for deer hunting, but I don't see myself being too far from him for any large period of time. Will only hunt the property close to home. See LOTS of deer, they are big in body, however the antlers don't grow quite as big as up North.

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Would be nice to kill a mature buck during the archery season here and get it on film, but really my biggest goal is to get my 12 year old on a mature buck for the youth hunt and get that on video.:cool: Would be nice to see my wife better her last years buck which was her best to date too. Will probably take a couple does depending on what is going on around us.

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I would love to have a safe season, see some deer, hopefully see a shooter a buck during bow season this year, and if everything falls into place, maybe I will get lucky enough to harvest a deer over 140". My buddy and his brother have both harvested large whitetails each of the last two years, hopefully it is my turn this year.

Also, I hope to fill the freezer with some venison as we are completely wiped out.

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My overall goals are:

Stay safe

Hunt smarter

Learn something everytime out

Enjoy nature for everything it's worth

Take my girlfriend again

Spend time with my Dad and have a blast like we always do


More specifically:

Shoot at least 2 does, at least 1 with bow

Catch up to a mature buck, at least 3.5 years old with my bow

Do what I can with a shotgun

Shoot my first deer with my TC Encore muzzleloader

Good post!

Good luck to everyone with their goals!


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1. Harvest my first B&C (preferably non-typical)

2. Harvest at least 2 young does for meat

3. Introduce my kids (6 and 7) to the outdoors in a way that makes it fun for them and possibly even helps to build a life long passion

4. Keep my wife happy while I'm out hunting

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-First i want to get my girlfriend and my mom a deer weather its with a bow or gun.

-Then i want to get my first bow kill

-I have been seeing a 180 in 12 point i would love to have on my wall by next season. and if not him a wall hanger bigger than 145( beat my biggest on the wall now)

-Get Some successfull hunts on video (deer and turkey) i would like to put a hunting show together.

-And i will skip to turkey season fall or spring and get my first turkey this year to.

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Shoot a couple does early to get the freezer full then look for the big buck hopefully take him with bow but my muzzle loader will be fine to of corse I will settle for the high power without argument LOL :D also wouldn't mind shooting a couple dozen coyotes with what ever I have handy :eek:

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