2008 Deer Hunting Goals


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i hunt in two locations (family farms) and we usually know what the biggest whitetail buck is at each, however few hunt during early bow season. so, my goal is to take the biggest buck in each location with my new bow. also i've got my gf shooting a bow now. she isn't shooting the poundage i'd like her to shoot at to hunt yet so i'm hoping to at least get her out in the woods and get excited about watching the wildlife. also i'd like to take a gobbler this spring with my bow too.

last year i got my first fox with a bow so i was happy. we'll see how my goals pan out this year, although i've set them a bit high...lol.

- Dan

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also one of my uncles is the only one in the family (of the guys) that hasn't taken a buck yet. last year he didn't go out with me and ended up going out with others, but was unsuccessful. this year if he's up for trying again he'll have no choice and is coming with me to whack his first buck. i'm almost certain i can make it happen too.

Good luck to everyone this coming season,


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1. Kill a mature 140 class or better buck bowhunting the midwest. I've eaten tag soup the last 3 years bowhunting the midwest so hopefully I'm due this year. I've got 2 chances...Illinois and Kansas.

2. Kill at least 1 mature buck at home here in MS. That will be a lot easier to do.

3. Kill a couple of does here at home. That shouldn't be a problem.

4. Have our club members help put a serious dent in the wild hog population on our place.

5. Have our club members meet our minimum goal of 40 does killed on our club by Dec. 15th. Our rut usually starts heating up after that.

6. Have no serious accidents or heath issues this year with my hunting buddies. Last year one had a stroke and another (my best friend) had a heart attack while at our hunting camp. Both are OK now. I know, that's not a goal...it's a prayer.

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As has been the goal for the past 9 seasons I've stepped into the deer woods, my goal will to be harvest my first buck with a bow.

But way more importantly is to enjoy the company of my hunting partners, whether that be my dad, uncle, either of my brothers, my girlfriend, or anyone else that ends up chasing the elusive whitetail along side me.

Also to spend as many days as possible in a tree stand, but never take one sitting for granted.

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My goal is for my first archery harvest, second is to take one more deer with my father on opening weekend, third, is to fill that darn earn a buck tag that has been in my wallet since LAST deer seson!!!! Seriously, my main goal is to have a fun and safe seson with family and friends. Good luck to all, Eric

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