difference in chokes


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Don't know the specific difference but they are different. I used an undertaker for a while then bought a comp-n-choke and the difference was night and day. Then I bought an Indian Creek and it was out of this world. Jellyhead on the otherhand shoots so well out of my daughters 20 that I'll stick with it.

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what is the difference between a $20.00 choke and the $50.00 chokes? Like the primos Jelly head Vs. the Tightwad. If they are the same dia. what would the big difference be.

Lead-in from the bore, matching the bore diameter, polish and material. Doesn't seem like it would make that big a difference but it sure seems to, especially when matched with the right load.

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But the big thing is you need to pattern your gun to see what your gun likes. Even two shotguns of the same model will shoot differently! In my turkey gun I shot four different chokes. Mossberg Ulti-full choke, Jellhead choke, H.S. Strut HS choke, and the Comp-N-Choke. I shot five different loads, including hevishot. BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT CHOKES CAN AND CAN NOT HAVE HEVISHOT THROUGH THEM!!!

Comp-N-Choke did the best with my gun, 49 head and neck hits at 40 yards at a turkey target. So you wont know unless you go out and shoot it! Maybe the cheaper choke will out preform the expensive ones! But you will never know!

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The difference is a lot of R&D finding the optimum beginning diameter, taper, parallel, and constriction of each tube. Many of the higher end tubes are developed for individual models, not just a .729 bore, tapering to .660" over 1.2" like the cheaper chokes are. Now, this is not to say that cheaper chokes can't achieve a good pattern, but when compared to a custom choke, it does not have holes or hot spots, its evenly dispersed, or tight, or ???

Many wingshooters will see no difference between a factory choke and a custom choke. It will not make a good wingshooter out of someone that does not follow through, lifts their head, does not lead the target, etc.

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Pretty much what everybpdy else said. Yep. ;)

The higher end chokes will be made of better materials with more precise processes..............CNC milled from bar stock rather than drawn or hammer forged from tubing.

Better processes also lead to another difference: Consistency from tube to tube. Any high end tube will shoot virtually the same (and will mic out the same) as the next one that rolls off the assembly line behind it. Your "bargain" tubes will shoot well sometimes, not worth a crap the next one you try, and usually never as well as a quality-made tube.

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I just would like to know the difference in an improved cylinder and a modified chock and witch would be better to go dove hunting with out of my super nova turkey gun.

Either would be fine but modified will give a bit more range. I use skeet and improved in my double barrel for doves. They arent the biggest birds so a bigger pattern would be the route I'd go plus they don't need to be hit real hard to knock them down.

I'm sure everybody has diffent opinions but I'd go with the improved since it'll throw a bigger pattern

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