Calling technique


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Fellow hunters,

For christmas, I recieved a "can call" does anyone have one of these? If so, what is the technique? When is the best time to use it? How often? I have never seen one before or heard anything like it. It creates a moaning or crying sound. I have not been able to find any instructions or information on line. Any help would be appreciated. Godd hunting to all!

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Welcome to the forums.

Been using a can call here for probably 5 or 6 years maybe more and have had mixed results with it to be honest. Have never had a mature buck come in to the can call despite tryng different techniques, but past experiences in the early season do tend to get curious responses from does with blind calling. Usually use the can similarly to how I use grunting sequences, call every 15 to 20 minutes and grunts can be used along with the can in a series of calls.

Best time to use the can to draw in bucks is probably not until the start of the pre rut.

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I spun a running 144 inch 8 pointer around and he ran in to 27 yards in 05 with the Can call. It's a doe in estrous sound, so you'll want to use it during the pre rut and rut, mostly along with short quick tending grunts to emulate a buck chasing a doe. They work extremely well when used in the right situation! Have fun with that!

Take care,


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I had great success this year with my can call. Shot a 150 class buck off a rattle, grunt then threw the can in there for grins. Not sure if it was a combo of all 3 or what it was but put a mature buck on the ground. I will say dont over use it tho. I have also used the can and saw nothin but that famous white flag flying. Like others have said all depends on your herd and what time of year it is. I shot the 150 class on Oct 26th last year. So border lind pre rut to rut has worked well for me. I have also called in smaller bucks that havent quite reached there "shooter buck" potenital for me. I think it all just depends on what your after and that right time of year for your hunting area. Just my 2cents.

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