What to do when your spouse wants to go hunting?


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I am also a wife whose husband kept asking to go hunting and finally said yes. Maybe some things from my story might help (or not, LOL!).

I grew up in a big city suburb with no exposure to hunting although my dad fished a lot. Married a farm boy. He kept asking me to go along on the annual family deer outing during Ohio's deer gun season. After about 7 years, I finally said yes. Now I did like the outdoors and had quite a bit of experience hiking, backpacking and camping. In fact I LOVED to hike through the woods. I had ZERO interest in ever learning how to shoot a gun. This is how it went.

Year 1: Went and sat with my husband all day on opening day. In Ohio, I couldn't do anything to help because I didn't have a license. Thought it was boring just sitting there (remember I love to hike).

Year 2: Took the hunter's safety course so I could buy a license and actually help with the hunt. That was comical. A thirty-something year old woman and a whole bunch of 10-12 year old boys and their dads learning all about guns that I knew I was never going to shoot. That year during deer season I sat with my husband first thing and last thing, but the middle of the day I spent slowly hiking through the nearby thickets to do slow push of deer. Did some bird watching and sitting and just enjoying myself in the woods and I didn't have to sit still so I was happy. I pushed a doe to my brother-in-law that he shot and I was all excited that I got to help.

Year 3 same as the previous year.

Year 4 Something made me buy a gun and learn to shoot. I don't really remember what it was. I didn't shoot a deer this year, but I did carry a gun.

Year 5 Started turkey hunting. This is where I REALLY started learning to sit still and love it. Shot my first turkey. Then that fall shot my first deer and the rest is history.

Year 6-13 evolving as a turkey and deer hunter. Now going after dove and rabbit too. I now spend more time in the field than my husband who grew up hunting. LOL! Oh how things change.

Hope your wife has fun! This hunting stuff can sure be addictive. :)

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