Visit to Grants Farm...*Lots of Pics*


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Last weekend we took the kids to Grants Farm. Grants farm is farm that Ulysses S. Grant owned way back when. Well somewhere along the lines a Grant family member married a Busch family member. So since Anheuser Busch is/was a big deal in St. Louis the Busch family kept the farm and turned it into a family attraction. It's 281 acres that has more than 1000 different animals plus the Clydesdales, and other old stuff. A really neat place. Oh and its free to visit other than $10 for parking.

Here some pics of our visit.:cool:



Momma and baby

Amazing how big that "baby" was...


Found this funny.:rolleyes:



Mason enjoyed it.


You ride a tram/train thing though the park with the big animals(elk, zebra, buffalo, and what not) so pic where hard to get but I did manage to get my favorite animals:D....Kinda


The trophies on the wall where rather impressive too..


It was a nice day but Hannah still enjoyed this



And I enjoyed my FREE beverage ;):D


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:D:D.....Mason needed a little sample too:eek::eek:.....J/K

Great pics Todd!

We went a few years ago.It is a neat place to visit.The barns for the clydsdales are pretty amazing.

Yeah those barn are very impressive....Clean like you can only imagine......They are top notch for sure!!!

Andy the treatment those Clydesdale get is AMAZING!!

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I know InBev stated the were committed to keeping Grant's farm open prior to their buy-out of AB. I just hope they keep that promise. My kids love Grant's Farm. We've been going there for years. Many of you probably don't know much about Grant's farm, I know I love the fact that admission is FREE!!!!!

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