It does happen in 3's


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Friday when I got home my wife hands me the phone even before I get through the door. It is my sister in Toledo. The paramedics were there and they was taking my Mom to the hospital. (She is still there). Then Friday night at the football game my son makes a tackle and has a bunch of people on him. He then gets up and hops toward the sideline which he does not make it. We end up at the ER and he is on crutches. Might be a horible spain since the xrays were inconclusive. He goes to the sports doc tomorrow. So Saturday I was wondering who the third person was going to be....

It was me today...I had a slight pain in my lower right ribcage in my back starting yesterday. Well when I was in the bedroom I moved a little and bam...pain took me to my knees. I could not walk or get up without pain beyond belief. THe wife calls and I am taken to the ER myself. Pleurasy it was I have they pain meds and 2 days off work which I am not going to take LOL

So never ever start wondering who the 3rd person is going to be should be the moral of the story.:rolleyes::mad::(

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The son and I are upbeat. WE know it could be this weekend could have been the start of deer season.;)

Heck, the pain meds are cool but they gave me enough to tranquilize a bear I think. I was out when we got home and got up little while ago. Not doing real bad right now since I watch the way my movements are. The son was walking a little without the crutches...I got on his rear for that.;)

The wife is the one really stressed out. 2 of the men she loves dearly in pain and nothing she could really do to help to take the pain away. She is my rock.:cool:

Life is good. Everyday is a good day,just some are better than others is the code I live by.

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Man Fred, hope things get better for you and your family. We'll be sending some prayers up for you.

How is your mom doing?

My sister is giving us looks better for Mom. Hopefully she will be going home in the next day or so.:cool:

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Codie was cleared to go back to all activities in a week. Prayers do work all:cool:

I am not doing too good. Going to work yesterday was a bad ideal. It took us 1 hour to get me out to the living room. Instead of being on my way to work I am on the puter. The computer chair is all I can sit on without pain.LOL I hope the meds kick in soon. Then watch me post.:D:eek:;)

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