Elite Bows


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Guest Novahunter

I recently purchased a '08.5 Elite Z-28 in all black. I really like this bow. It is a joy to shoot, and tuned up very quickly. I love the binary cam system. For me, it has a nice balance between speed and forgiveness for hunting.

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I am very familar with these bows. Here's what I know....The owner of elite archery was the former R&D guy for Bowtech. Left bowtech and started elite. Hae you noticed Bowtech hasn't came out with that much new stuff in the last couple of years. Any guesses why???? The new bow is IBO of 360 FPS. Smoking fast. I've shot it and it's very fast, accurate and quiet. I don't think you can go wrong here.

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I am very familar with these bows. Here's what I know....The owner of elite archery was the former R&D guy for Bowtech. Left bowtech and started elite. Hae you noticed Bowtech hasn't came out with that much new stuff in the last couple of years. Any guesses why???? The new bow is IBO of 360 FPS. Smoking fast. I've shot it and it's very fast, accurate and quiet. I don't think you can go wrong here.

The Gaurdian and the General ... the 82nd Airbourne the 101st Airbourne ... I would say Bowtechs been very busy ... not to mention I think you better check what bows RT is shooting this year ...

the feed back on the Elite bows I here is that they are fast but because they are fast you have to give something up meaning handshock is what feedback I get I know a few guys that own them ... they like them but they say they aren't the smoothest bow out there ... you just gotta shoot them and see how they shoot.


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The company has had a few growing pains along the way which has led to some long wait times for bows but they seem to be doing pretty good now. They make really nice bows though. My two favorite bows are Hoyt and Elite.

Oh and hand shock from an Elite? No way. They have little to no hand shock. And the draw is what I would call stiff but it is actually very smooth with no bumps or humps to get over.

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Sounds like there was something wrong with that particular bow. Mine was the quietest bow I've ever heard and it has no whiskers or anything on the string but it did have an STS. I shot for quite a while before I got the STS and it was still very quiet and shock free.

I will admit I haven't gotten to mess with the newer models, but all I ever hear are good things about them, up until now that is.

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Guest Novahunter
hey guys, thanks for the help...i went on other forums and tried out different bows and i finally chose the Elite Z28

You made an excellent decision. I chose the same bow and am very happy.

A couple of recommendations. Ditch the Bowjax silencers and add all Limbsaber products. They quiet this bow even more.

I am very surprised by all the negative posts on hand shock and noise on Elite bows. They are dead in the hand and whisper quiet. I would suggest these loud bows that have vibration need to visit someone who can tune a binary cam.

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I would agree on the hand shock comment...These bows are the fastest on the market to my knowledge right now....getting 360fps....and I've had no issues with shock at all....The draw isn't quite as smooth as a single cam, but that's expected....

The only thing that takes getting used to is the back end on these bows. If you think you have a little play, you don't. The cams will break over very quickly.....

great choice and gl with it.....

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Hoyt he was bowtech's head of R&D. He was the reason for bowtechs sucess and their claim to fame on the fastests bows at the time.

Now he's gone...What has bowtech done that is so great in the past 2-4 years? I don't shoot bowtech or elite, but from talking with ppl in the know bowtech hasn't done much lately. Yes they have new bows, but what are the changes made to those bows?

Elite is a very small company and I doubt they go under. I would be more apt to believe they will get bought up. Primos has been doing that lately..Double Bull, Fred Bear, Etc......Primos has there name on more stuff than flies on you know what.....


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He was a Mathews guy until they decided to come out with their own camo pattern for their bows and what gear they have. Since Realtree wasn't getting any "Royalties" off Mathews using their camo pattern.....why use a product that Realtree isn't making any money off of. Realtree did the right thing and kicked them to the curb. Everyone should !!! (JK)

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Yes they have new bows, but what are the changes made to those bows?

Are you serious lol .... how bout a totally redesigned limb structure .. how bout a bow that shoots a wopping 10fps slower then the Elite you are hopping up ... how bout getting RT to shoot there Bows ... get a life man before you say Bowtech is done ... you should do your research ...

One person doesn't make a company and it never ever will

Bill Jordan doesn't make RT if something happened to him RT would deffinately go on ... just like one person doen't make this forum go ...


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chill out dude..nobody said bowtech was done. Just pointing out what happened. A guy asked questions about elite and I answered now you get on here and want to pop off about how bowtech rules the earth.......

Relax and understand that nobody INCLUDING me is attacking bowtech. There a great company and make a great bow......

BTW RT is shooting bowtech b/c they are PAID to shoot it..........

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chill out dude..nobody said bowtech was done. Just pointing out what happened. A guy asked questions about elite and I answered now you get on here and want to pop off about how bowtech rules the earth.......

Relax and understand that nobody INCLUDING me is attacking bowtech. There a great company and make a great bow......

BTW RT is shooting bowtech b/c they are PAID to shoot it..........

Never said they ruled the earth just pointed out all the things you said that were wrong or misleading ... you know just the facts ... also FYI thats why everyone on ANY show shoots the bows they shoot .... you said they havent done anything lately I just pointed out that you were wrong no big deal.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest bowhunter17wa

I just joined and was reading what you guys had posted. Thought I'd give my 2 cents and a few more facts for you. The R&D guy from bowtech's name is Kevin. He was fired after bowtech found out he married the poster girl for Martin archery. Kevin started Elite and based most of the design off of bowtech since he was the one who came up with their designs in the first place. One catch, he made it better. Most people know that bowtech had problems with their limbs. Kevin wanted to fix this by installing a 10 cent part on each limb, but bowtech said no. What happened? Bowtech had their limb problems and paid out a bunch of money in law suits and from my understanding they recalled somewhere around 30k bows.

Ive shot elite, bowtech, hoyt, martin, and a bunch of others and I gotta say hoyts new am32 and elites gt500 are my 2 favs. Everyones going to shoot just a little bit different and you might get a little hand shock just by holding the bow a little different than the next guy so I dont think theres a diffinitive line to draw between any bow as to hand shock. Its all in what feels good to you. As to noise, theres so many things to quiet a bow these days that I dont personnally think its a big deal. For a few bucks you can get a bow pretty darned quiet.

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