Need to use my vaction some time in Oct...


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We are having contract talks that end on 10/31/08...Just to be on the safe side i need to use atleast 1 week of vacation before this day just incase we go on strike and i might lose it all...What would be the best time or week to take it in Oct.. Oct 26-02 was wondering what you guys think this is NE Ohio....

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Hi axman, I'm a bit confused by your question?

Are you wondering when to take a week of vacation to hunt or not hunt?

Each year is a little different regarding the rut (weather conditions), but generally the first 2 weeks in November are prime. It also depends on the amount of land you can hunt and the amount of hunting pressure. Most deer hunters hit late October and November hard. Early and mid-October often has less hunting pressure. If you are the only one hunting I'd try to be in the woods as close to the first two weeks in Nov. as possible. If you have a lot of pressure (especially if restricted to a small area) you may want to focus on times when pressure is low.

My largest bow bucks were killed on Oct. 12th (2006) and Jan. 17th (2008).

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Guest Novahunter
As late in Oct as possible unless you're on one in his summer pattern when the season opens. Early season around here is basically an hour in the am and an hour in the pm...possibly a little more if the weather is unseasonably cold.

+1, last week of October if possible.

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Definately the last week of if you can.

The Harvest Moon is the week of October 14, and the deer will probably not be very active during legal shooting hours. They'll 'hang-up' on the edges before feeding...

The last week is the New Moon, and they will move more in the early morning and evening hours. It'll also put you in the woods during the 'pre-rut' when the bucks are starting to get ansy and move a bit more. May not hurt to do a little bit of tickling of antlers as they'll probably be doing a bit of sparring...


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Definately the last week in october this can be a productive time to catch a buck searching for a receptive doe. Ussually the does are not ready yet but the bucks sure are. I hunt in Pa and have not made it into November for about 5 years. and almost always am still hunting around october 20th so the last week of october is a great time to hunt. Focus on doe feeding areas just like in the rut. I have an area that ussually holds 10 to 20 does and a few small bucks on a regular basis early in the season. but around the 20th of October i start seeing bucks i didnt know where in the area and by the 25th or 26 ussually its pretty good. I have never taken that booner but consistantly shoot deer in the 110-120 range and for Pa ill take it. I will be hunting Ohio quite a bit more this year. hoping to end my season early in Pa and then focus my efforts in ohio.

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