4th annual squirrel contest rules, regs, and comments.


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Teams will be drawn at random and hopefully enough will sign up to have three members to a team.

1) We measure tails per team. Top 5 tails with the longest combined measurement wins.

2) Pictures have to be clear and NOT questionable. Measurements taken from the underside of tail (business end) to the very tip. Make sure the entire length of measurement is viewable.

3) Pay Special Attention when measuring the animal and documenting. Any question in the measurements and the animal will be disqualified.

4) Please include a grouped photo with all animals for the day (or at the time of harvest).

5) Sign up will be in a separate thread pinned at the top. Sign up will last until Friday September 19th, Midnight. Teams will be chosen at that point and game on. Submissions will not be allowed before that date. However, any animal taken Saturday September 20th or later will add to the accumulative team score. The contest-end will be announced at the time the teams are drawn (based on season lengths and dates of participants).

6) If someone disagrees with the disqualification of any animal I will poll a few long standing members of the forum, through PM's. If the majority agrees, the animal will be disqualified.

7) And most of all, everyone have fun and play fair. This should be a good time.....

Any questions or comments spell em out.

Sign up will be in a separate thread pinned at the top. Sign up will last until September 19th at midnight.

Note: I will be participating. However, if my team is lucky enough to win I will not receive any prizes if any are offered.

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Yes, you will be drawn into a team. Teams will be drawn at random.

Here is something else brought to my attention by a fellow member. What do you all think?

Should we write the date on a piece of paper and put it beside the kill? Thats fine with me but I want the opinion of the group.

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Not until the close of the sign up. Those will not count until then. Read rule #5....

5) Sign up will be in a separate thread pinned at the top. Sign up will last until Friday September 19th, Midnight. Teams will be chosen at that point and game on. Submissions will not be allowed before that date. However, any animal taken Saturday September 20th or later will add to the accumulative team score. The contest-end will be announced at the time the teams are drawn (based on season lengths and dates of participants).

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Sorry Gang, ive been far to busy to even visit in a couple of weeks.

Yes, the comp ends at the end of February.

I will ask Chris to update the scores this weekend.....

Keep hunting em everyone. ;)

No problem Jeramie, we all know what it's like to get swamped by work. Let us know if we can help in any way.

As for the hunting, planning on going out this Saturday to do a little hunting...I just hope this snow gives us a break.

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