Youth Broadheads?

Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

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Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

Was wondering what you guys think of my son shooting Rage 2 broadheads. Hes shooting 40 lbs and a 23in arrow. Hes a good shot, just want a good bloodtrail in case he doesnt have an exit hole. Was going to go with fixed heads but the rage only requires 3 lbs of pressure to open.

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Guest hunter-greg

My daughters archery instructor suggested an 85 gr. fixed blade for her, and she is shooting a similar setup to your son. I think she'll be using the 85. gr G5 Montec.

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youth broad heads

The KE is gonna be on very low end here.A cut on contact fixed 2 blade head is way to go.Why with KE being so low between short draw and poundage would you want to put a huge cutting dia head on it.Mech will use some of KE up beside trying to push that huge head in better not hit any bone.A smaller 1 to 1 1/8 inch cutting dia cut on contact head will penetrate better.

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although the rage are great heads and they advertise penetration better than fixed blades i cant see how thats possible from a physics standpoint. I think if you are dead set on a mechanical something like a Rocket steelhead would be a good head being 1.25 cutting diameter the penetration would be better than a head with a 2 inch that is huge no matter what type of head you are using. I personally shoot Rage but im also shooting a 74 lb bow. A better option for a low poundage bow is check out 2 blade cut on contact heads several companies have them i have a friend who let his daughter shoot a 38lb bow she shot Steelforce and had a pass through on the first and only deer she shot with that set up.

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What field tips is he shooting ... the right track for that low of poundage is to put an 85gr tip on and to answer your question Rage doesn't make and 85gr head.

If your only concern is a blood trail then any fixed blade will give you a great blood trail ... I can almost guarantee you wont get a pass through with a 40lb bow with the Rage ... but I can assure you you will almost always get a pass through with the fixed blade ... 2 holes are better then one.


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You know I LOVE my mechanicals and I have equil respect for fixed blades, and i would tell you to have him shoot the rage 2 blade's as long as he can heft the weight of a 100gr head...i dont remember them coming in lower weight. the other thing to think about is the kinetic energy his arrow is making, I started off with fixed blade stinger heads and quickly changed to...Napa spitfires 100gr and hunted with them up till the rage..... If i had a kid shooting 40lbs and i could afford it i would give him rage and then just limit him to like 20 or 25 yards and REALLY work with the practice heads....good luck i know that wasn't alot of help.

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With the set up that he is shooting there should be no accuracy problems with a fixed blade so there is really nothing to be gained by using a mechanical head. In independent testing done by Bowhunting magazine, the Rage two blade did not penetrate better as claimed in their ads. A large entry wound does not mean much if it is only an inch or two deep. My daughter uses the Magnus heads and they certainly get the job done. If there is an issue with getting the blades sharp then I would go with a good two blade with replaceable blades. I certainly think with his setup a cutting diameter on the smaller side will work better. What it really comes down to is good shot placement at an acceptable range.

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