2004 Hunting Season Recap (pics)

Guest NorfolkHunter

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Guest NorfolkHunter

My first moment of success in '04 came on Friday, April 30th. Called two toms into range. When this guy popped his head out I let him have it. Finally shot my first long beard.

Weight 18lbs. 6oz., Spurs 1" and 15/16" and Beard 10 5/8". Score 59


Filled my second turkey tag on Friday, May 28th. Just setup my decoys and let him come in with no calling. He struted right to my jake decoy. First shot rolled him, second one put him down for the count.

Weight 18lbs. 14oz., L & R spurs both 1", beard 10 3/8". Score 59.625


Time to deer hunt. Sunday, November 7th. First day after the controlled hunt. I spotted this buck wounded out in a soy bean field. Made a successful stalk to within 15 yards where I was able to finish him quickly. I gave the deer to the original shooter.


Tuesday, November 30th. I shot this 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer. I spotted him trying to sneak behind me through some downed tops. A well placed shot (lucky) dropped him in his tracks.


Post your recap of the'04 hunting season too. I would love to see how everyone elses season went.

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