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Guest flockstopper

I'd say 120ish. He's got a great spread, but probably only a 3 1/2 year old deer, He'll be a dandy in a couple more years. Just lacking a little on tine length.

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That deer appears to be young. I'd say 2 years (2.5 this fall). His neck isn't thick like older bucks. I'd say he has potential for being at least a P&Y next year and possibly B&C in two. I think he'll fall short of P&Y this year. His width is decent (as long or a bit more than his ears), but his tines are short. I'd say he's around 115 inches. I'd hold off on this guy if you're looking for a trophy.

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He is a 10 point with good mass. Could use more tine length but he will score higher than what everyone thinks in my opinion. He looks to be around 20 wide for an inside spread and his main beams are going to be at least 20 inches if not a shad longer so there is 60 inches right off the bat. He looks to have around 25 inches of tine length on each side so ther is another 50 inches for a total of 110 inches. Now you have four circumfrance measurements if you look at his base I would say it is at least 4 to 5 inches. You can estimate this buy comparing it to his eyes. A deer's eye's around usually around that and he seems to have that in this photo. So if you give him the benefit and say 4 4/8 at the base and take off 4/8 (1/2 inch) on each progressive measurement that gives you 15 inches on each side for a grand total of around 140 inches. I could be wrong but I am willing to bet I am close.

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Guest flockstopper

The problem is trying to score a deer in velvet. really the only thing you can come close to measuring is the spread. That velvet makes the thing look a lot bigger than what will eventually be there when it is shed. Also, This deer in my opinion has too much brisket to be considered 2 1/2. I'd lay cash he's 3 1/2 possibly 4 1/2.

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I don't have any more pics of him this year, that was my first round of pics. I should have some more after this weekend though. I think he is either 3.5 or 4.5 years old. I have pics of him last year as a really wide 8 point with average 2.5 year old mass. Last year his body looked like an average 2.5 year old body during the fall (would have likely dressed around 140 pounds, which is about par for Oklahoma 2.5's). Hopefully I will get some better pics soon.

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