Scope thoughts


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Im looking for a good scope around $250, dealer cost.

Im currently stuck on either a Leupold VX-II OR a nikon buckmaster

The scope should be near 3-9 or better i like the 4.5-14 nikon offers and theyre reasonably priced.

Any thoughts, suggestions would be nice. Thanks.

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Been pretty happy with both the nikon monarch and buckmasters scopes. Burris fullfield II is also in the same price range and a comparable scope.

Kind of uncertain right now myself whether I am going to top my a bolt with a leupold VXII, a nikon monarch, or a leupold vxIII. Can get a nikon monarch in 3-9X40 in silver finish to match the stainless barrel on my rifle for $200, really thinking I am going to go that route for now.

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I put the Nikon Buckmaster's 4.5 x 14 x 40 on my rifle and I am very pleased with it. If I were in the market for another scope, I'd go with the same. That being said, I figure that the others you mentioned are also just as nice. I would check them out and see what you like about each and take pride in knowing that whatever you chose, you're still getting a good quality scope.

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Look through a Weaver Grand Slam 4.5x14 before you make a decision just for grins & giggles.

Weaver has been bounced around here lately. They were sold to ATK back in April 2008.

What does it mean? Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. New owners often mess with products. They can't help it. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's a disaster.

Best advise, don't buy one sight unseen.

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Look through a Weaver Grand Slam 4.5x14 before you make a decision just for grins & giggles.

Weaver has been bounced around here lately. They were sold to ATK back in April 2008.

What does it mean? Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. New owners often mess with products. They can't help it. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's a disaster.

Best advise, don't buy one sight unseen.

Good advice, certainly worth checking into. Going along with this, some companies after going through different acquisitions will not maintain previous agreements/warranties from the original company on products that were produced prior to the acquisition as well.

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Guest du9207

i have the nikon buckmaster 4.5x14x40 with BDC i bought it for only 269 it looks very clear i really like it. i can't comment on vx sorry but you won't be disappointed with nikon. and always have best prices and both say they will beat any price online

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