Seat Belts


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Wear them!!!!! That's the first thing I do when I get in the truck. I even catch myself putting it on just to move a vehicle from the parking lot 20 yards into my bay at work. I have a good friend of mine that was T-boned by a fully loaded log truck at 55mph in a snowstorm and he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. He was ejected out the passenger side window of the truck and in a coma for a close to a month. Thank the good Lord he is still here today in the shape he is in, other than a stuttered speach from slight brain damage he's perfectly fine, talk about a miracle!

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I do now. I just wish I did when I was 18. Actually I should have been wearing it last summer and maybe I wouldn't have fallen out of my wheelchair and broke my leg. My foot was facing backwards.:eek:

I've known at least one person who died because they were wearing their seat belt, but I know a bunch who it would have saved them or did save them.

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Being a firefighter/ medic I have seen some horriffic things... You would be suprised on how many people would still be alive today if they would of had it on. Do you wear a saftey harness while deer hunting? Same thing. I have been on calls where guys have fallen out of there deer stands. Broken necks, broken legs, its almost stupid not to wear them. IMO.

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I wear mine most of the time, all the time if I am leaving town. I believe it should be the decision of the person and the law, like in IL, should not regulate whether the person wears them or not. JMO Like I said, I live in a small town, speed limit of 30mph, sometimes I don't wear it if i'm staying in town, but anytime i'm leaving town, I always wear my seat belt. Like, HoytnMuzzyboy, i'm a firefighter and have seen accidents where seatbelts helped, and accidents where it didn't really matter if they would have had it on or not, and one of my friends survived a wreck by not being buckled in b/c they were able to move and keep from getting crushed. Again, I think it should be the choice of the person, and the law shouldn't regulate it.

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Car doesn't move until everyone in it is wearing theirs. Don't care how old you are. If you are riding with me, you are wearing it, or we aren't going. Lost a cousin to a car wreck 6 years ago, he was partially ejected when the car was rolling. Not taking that chance with my life or anyone else's. No matter how good of a driver you think you are, there is always some nut out there who is reckless.

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Seat Belts Ii

Was Jus Trying To Get A Feel For What Everyone Thought. I Am The Traffic Crash Investigator For Our Department And I Have Handled 3 Fatal Accidents In The Last Month And All Would Have Lived If They Would Have Been Wearing Their Seatbelts. It Seems To Me I See A Lot Of People Without Them On.

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The newer vehicles have so many warning bells that never go away if you don't buckle up. So, BUCKLE UP! If not to be annoyed by the bells, then for your own safety.

I always carry a serrated knife or partially serrated in case I need to hack out of that seatbelt if I am in a collision. The serrated knives cut best on seat belts.

Drive safe everyone.

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My family and I wear them everytime we get in the vehicles, no matter how near or far we are going. My youngest son will yell, "I'm not safe!!" if we start backing out of the garage while he is buckling up.

I know when I was growing up we had pretty much free reign over the inside of the car, no need to buckle up. Mom and dad didn't buckle up and they didn't make us either. Things sure do change with time. It amazes me today when I see little kids in other cars that aren't belted in, but their parents are....:confused:

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Have had some conversations about this topic getting in vehicles riding with other people who did not wear their belt. Got in the habit when our oldest daughter was old enough to see daddy set an example, wear my belt whether I am the driver or passenger and anyone riding with us/me wears theirs as well. The kids half the time will put their belts on in the truck just to ride around the farm, it is a habit.

Times have changed for sure in regards to laws and safety. Can remember riding across country as a kid(1970's) and buckling up was just not a concern.

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I wear mine but dont like it. I know they save lives. Its the law so I have no choice. Its a defferent subject and I dont want to highjack this post. But is the state can mandate I wear my seat belt I feel motorcycles riders shuld have to wear helmets. Helmets save lives also. I dont ride anymore but when I do I wear a helmet.

Just my 2 cents.

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