Seat Belts


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I wear mine but dont like it. I know they save lives. Its the law so I have no choice. Its a defferent subject and I dont want to highjack this post. But is the state can mandate I wear my seat belt I feel motorcycles riders shuld have to wear helmets. Helmets save lives also. I dont ride anymore but when I do I wear a helmet. Please dont flame for this statement.

Just my 2 cents.

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I wear mine but dont like it. I know they save lives. Its the law so I have no choice. Its a defferent subject and I dont want to highjack this post. But is the state can mandate I wear my seat belt I feel motorcycles riders shuld have to wear helmets. Helmets save lives also. I dont ride anymore but when I do I wear a helmet. Please dont flame for this statement.

Just my 2 cents.

that has always amazed me about IL. They have always had strict laws on seat belts yet motorcyclist DO NOT have to wear a helmet...:eek::rolleyes::confused:

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The fact that I'm sitting here composing this reply is indisputable evidence that seat belts work. A little over 5 1/2 yrs. ago I was glad I had mine on, as I always do, when my vehicle was hit head on. Yep, still here. Guess the question for driver's is really,,would you rather compose or decompose?

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Wear them!!

I drive for a living. I have seen (firsthanded) a girl live who would certainly have died otherwise because she was buckled up. I have also personally seen some situations where seatbelts were not worn and I will not describe those here. If anyone wants a PM laying out what happens to the human body when propelled at 50-65 mph...........just let me know. :cool:

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i've been in states that have seatbelt laws, but not helmet laws, and states with helmet laws but not seatbelt laws......its personal preference.....i catch myself not wearing it in town as much as i should. but on the highway or interstate, definetly a good idea....and about bikers not having to wear a helmet or having to....if you are really going to have a helmet law. might as well be a full face helmet.....a little half shell going 75 on the interstate and wrecking? MIGHT save your life, but your face is going to be pretty well mangled. ...i say let the bikers decide...people specifically DO NOT drive through nebraska on the way to strugis bc of the helmet law......i know of many who will go out of the way to avoid it.

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I honestly believe my seat belt saved my life on November 1st, 2001 when my '99 Neon rolled twice while going only 40mph. It stopped on it's roof and I was hanging there in my seat, upside down, stuck there by my seat belt. Had I not been wearing it, I probably would have been thrown out of the car, like everything else in the car during the time of the wreck. The only injury I had in this accident was a small seat belt burn on my neck no bigger than a dime, bruises on my stomach from the airbag, and 2 sore fingers from where the airbag came out and pushed them backwards. This wreck could have easily killed me had I not been wearing it.

IMO, if you don't wear one, you've signed your own death certificate.

Everyone in my family automatically puts their seat belt on as soon as they get in the vehicle, and if you don't want to wear one when you ride in my vehicle then I'll politely tell you to get out and inform you that walkin' ain't crowded! :D

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I'm not a very good one for setting the example of wearing a belt for my kids. I wear it when I go out of town but never when I'm just driving a short distance.

As far as the Helmet laws, the only difference between wearing a helmet and not wearing a helmet is a closed casket funeral versus an open casket. That said, I don't wear a helmet either.

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Funny this was brought up. I just walked in the door from vacation and man am I glad to be home. 9 hours on the road makes you want to get out of your seat belt, not to mention the aggravation of a 3 and 5 year old strapped in car seats will shave a few years off your life. But today while I was coming up I-81 in PA, my wife was driving and said to me (while reading the newest copy of Bowhunter) that this car was FLYING up behind us. She moved over and the car flew past us at probably 90-100 mph. About 5 minutes later, we were all back together in some traffic and the guy was right in front of us. Through the back window I noticed his kids were climbing around all over the car (Jeep Grand Cherokee). I don't know if the kids were bugging him or what but he was swerving all over. So I picked up the cell and called the PA State Troopers. No more than a minute or so after I got off the phone with them, I heard over the CB that a State Trooper was just ahead hiding behind some bushes. We passed him and I looked in my mirror and he pulled out. Truckers on the CB were throwing out warnings, and the Trooper blew right passed us and pulled over the Grand Cherokee.

Personally, my opinion is if you don't wear yours then I hope you have all of your affairs in order before you get behind the wheel. But if you don't buckle your kids in then I have stories about that as well about a guy I used to work with, and I can tell you now that you do not want to survive a crash in which your kid dies because you wouldn't buckle them in.

The guy I used to work with committed suicide over the loss, and it was his wife who didn't buckle the child in. She was killed too in the accident because she wasn't wearing hers. He wasn't with them, but about a month or so later he drove his camaro off an overpass on I-526 in Charleston, SC doing about 120mph. Not smart either.

Buckle up...I don't even realize I am doing it anymore. It's just habit.

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Well I am glad to see everyone here agrees on this point. Unfortunately there are still those few who still do not. Yesterday was my wedding anniversary I took my wife shopping and out to eat when we got home I was playing with me son Chase and my cell phone rings. Yep, another fatal accident and yep no seatbelt. This is the second time this year I have had to see someone I have known most of my life in a way I can not/will not discribe.

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