Trail camera tips

Guest splitg2

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Guest splitg2

Been using my trail cameras for a few years.They have helped me a lot. but i would like to hear some of your tips and tactics for placment and use. How long do you leave it out and where.

I read somthing in Deer and Deer hunting that you are not supose to put them on trails because it educates big bucks. It said to put it on food plot edges so that you can learn what is on your property. My thought is how are you supose to pattern a big buck when the camera is always over the food plot

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we put ours in the middle of the woods where deer come through to get to thick brush, we put a pile of corn out, and have had some good pictures of a few ok sized bucks (only one 10 point and a few good sized 8's) pictures of them were taken during the day, but coming hunting season (and a few days before) they were no where to be found

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I keep one on a mineral site year round, and check that cam about once a week. I have other cams on edges of plots, on trails, and just moved one to a community scrape.

I kind of go by trial and error and move some cams around as needed and leave others that are proven where they are there as long as the activity is good.

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I leave one of mine on a heavy trail that leads up to a water hole. I get big bucks and little bucks young does and old. The main thing about cameras is to leave as little scent behind as possible, try not to handle the cam too much and brush up against the vegetation. Wear rubber boots or your hunting boots. Leaving scent behind is what spooks the deer. I leave my cameras out year round and check them at least once a month. I also check them in the middle of the day when the deer are bedded down as not to spook them walking to and from the cam. The best thing is to have a solar charger so you don't have to worry about the batteries . Come hunting season i do check the cams more often to see whats out there.

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What I see

I keep them on my property usually in the same spot and no one seems to care:




I am moving one camera around just to see if there is anything I am missing but this spot with all the critters is 10 yards rom my ladder stand:D

Some folks recommended spraying the trail cam with the scent killer stuff. I have not done that yet but it may have some merit.

Good look with your camera!

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I move mine around every 10 days or so. Usually in the woods or on swamp edges. I use mineral sites in the summer and put them over scrapes in October and November. Some deer run from them while others don't mind them and show up in lots of pictures. Keep your sent to a minimum. I agree with rackblaster and check mine at mid day.

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During the preseason and early bow season I put mine on mineral licks and food sources. The food sources can be planted summer food plots or some natural food source. I usually move mine around every week or so unless I'm trying to get better pics of a mature buck but I still change out the cards every week or so even if I don't move the camera. Generally, at least in my neck of the woods the deer hang closer to a much smaller core area during the warmer months than the cooler months.

Once scraping begins I'll put my cameras on scraps, along with food plots and natural food sources. In rare instances I'll put some on trails that have rubs on them.

During the early bow season once I know a big buck is in an area I prefer to hunt them at the food source or on trails leading to or away from the food source. Some of your photos should tip you off where they are coming from. Once the bucks start cranking up for the rut all I really need to know is the general area mature bucks show a preference to hang around at that time. Then I'll concentrate on funnels, edges, and sign I find from scouting in that area.

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