what would you buy?

lil hunter

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So, my 18th birthday is next saturday. I decided awhile back that I'm gonna buy myself a new gun on my birthday, just cuz. But I can't really decide what I wanna buy. I'm mainly wanting some kind of rifle, just something to shoot because you can't hunt anything but coyotes here with them. I have considered an AR15, an SKS, an AK47, a mini-14 and those types, or something like a rem. 700 in .223 cal. I've also thought about just getting a .22 lr, because I don't even have one of my own, i usually just shoot my dads.

Anyways, I don't know how much I really want to spend. I could afford an AR15 (i'd probably get a rock river, standard length A2, which is about $900) but I'm not sure if I really wanna spend that much right now.

So if you were just buying a new rifle, or even a shotgun, just to say you have one, and have fun with it, what would you buy? Or what would you suggest I buy?

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I am kinda torn on this one, one side of me says to get an AR-15 if you can afford it, great guns, fairly inexpensive to shoot as far as CF's are concerned. They make a dandy varmint rifle and can also be used in protecting yourself and lets face it..they are just fun to shoot!

The other side of is saying,being young and money can be tight get yourself a nice 22 LR with a nice scope on it. 22's these days come in all flavors and can be had pretty cheap or pretty expensive. One thing with the 22 LR is that you can buy a box of 500 or more for about the same as a box of 20 in .223's or other CF's.

Another thing to consider is a place to be shooting the rifle. If you have some property it's not a problem usually shooting either, if you have a small piece, the 22 LR might be a better choice just due to it's effective range. Noise is another factor too, if you like to shoot centerfires that's fine but neighbors that live closeby could complain if you shoot alot etc.

Just some ramblings, in the end it's your choice and it's one that you have to live with, like I said it's a tough call.

Final thought, if you live in a shotgun only state you could probably get more use out of a 22 long rifle.

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I'd go with a standard bolt action rifle if I were you...something a bit bigger than .223. Maybe something in the .25 cal.?

Here's why, your getting older and even though you can't use a rifle there for anything other than yotes...you may want to hunt somewhere else for deer. You can still kill yotes with a .25 cal. as you can a whitetail/mule deer etc...

The AR's are fun...but most states don't allow those types of guns to hunt with and alot of states don't allow that small of cal. to hunt deer.

Choice is yours...If I were buying a new gun, it would prob. be a Ruger #1 in a big bore cal.

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I agree with Snapper. When I was shopping for my coyote rifle I finally realized that I didn't want to pinhole myself into one gun for one purpose. So I bought a Browning BLR in .243 for my coyote hunting. In a few years when my daughter is older it will be her deer rifle. It is such a tack driver, I use it to shoot everything from stray cats to porcupines.

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my grandpa won a winchester 300 mag.....gave it to me.....bc he has 3 other 300s......then his friend wanted a 300 mag. so he came to us(my dad and i) with a proposal....trade the 300 mag for a tika .338.....and i said SOLD! to top it off i won a burris scope at RMEF and had that puppy all ready for last years deer season.....and NEVER even got to pull the trigger :( but the more i research about tika, they are a killer gun....and if you are in the market for a varmit rifle, they make a neat lookin one...can't remember what its called but it's on their website...but i also like the ar-15....dad has a mini 14 and that isn't bad either....fun to shoot....just go with your gut...buy what you want...it's going to be yours :)

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Sounds to me like you'd get the most use out of the .22 LR. Maybe drop a little extra cash and get a CZ or a Ruger 77/22 or some other "better end" .22 and put some good glass on top.

Me?? I'm about to the end of my "to get" list. Still need an ultralight smallbore like a Weatherby Ultralight in .240 WM or a Kimber Montana in .260 (to be rechambered 6.5/.284). Also would like an 1874 Sharps repro in .45/70 and a higher end 20 ga. SxS. Other than those.......just interesting, collectable sort of stuff as it may pop up.

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Lil hunter, man i just got my ar-15 setup from DPMS less than a month ago and i can hardly put it down, you wont regret ever getting one. The ammo is cheap enough so that a box of 55gr FMJ's are only 5bucks = $.25 a shot.My profile picture is of mine and i cant stay away from the range. It is simply put THEE perfect just to shoot gun out there. With my 270wsm costing over $2.50 a shot i get 10 shots of 223 for just 1 shot of 270.Go with the AR you wont regret it. Just simply click on the picture of my setup its amazing.



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I've never really heard much about the DPMS guns until recently. Hows everybody like them? The store I'm gonna go to ( www.whittakerguns.com ) has their whole line of 'em on the internet. They seem to be a little cheaper than the Rock River guns as well. Are they made just as well? The one thing I noticed that I really like about the rock river, is that none of them would rattle when I shook it. The guns from other manufacturers would. Is this a big deal at all? It just bothers me.

I'm also still interested in a .22lr. If I do get one though, I would get a semi-auto rather than a nicer bolt gun. I have a bolt action .17hmr so I'd really rather have a semi-auto just to plink with some. What are your favorite s-a .22s?

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Guest Primetime/IL
I'm also still interested in a .22lr. If I do get one though, I would get a semi-auto rather than a nicer bolt gun. I have a bolt action .17hmr so I'd really rather have a semi-auto just to plink with some. What are your favorite s-a .22s?

Ive got a Marlin Semi auto model 60 22LR thats a great gun, I just purchased it about a year and a half ago. Excellent squarrel gun and for plinking. I love the fact that its tubular fed, real simple to operate. Another good one to look at is the Ruger 10/22 and there are many modifications made for it.

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Im thinking the reason that some of the guns rattle is because the buffer spring in the stock is literally in there and isnt constrained so it may rattle somewhat. Mine doesnt.

DPMS is cheaper but their products arent low quality from what ive heard, experienced and read, some say theyre much better actually.

I cant find the link but the guy has several schools and said DPMS is best of the best for precision shooting and how to go about it.

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Cant say much about the ar's other than I wish I had one :D

Used to wish I had one too.:rolleyes::D Glad I bought my rr varmint, and I think I gave $911 for it from RB precision with shipping and 2 extra clips.

Have killed I think 5 or 6 yotes with it since I bought it in the summer of 2007, and it is fun to shoot too.



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Wow William, what does that thing weigh?! A ton?! :eek::D

COOL lookin gun!! :cool:

Never weighed it as a complete rifle, but yeah it is pretty heavy.

Nice pictures there wtnhunt. The coyote didnt have a good day but you certainly did, it doesnt hurt to smile.:):D

I have a simular model in a Sabre Defence,they are alot of fun that's for sure.

LOL,:D my oldest daughter took the pic, she was goofing around and it probably was not the best pic.


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