5 months new computer


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Well finally after 5 months of not having a computer I have one again.:D I think I have alot of catching up to do around here so when I get back from Marrietta here later today thats awhat I('m going to do.

Did I miss anything big?

I've been with Shelby now for a little over 5 months. She has a bow now:o Can't believe it she is shooting a Mathews Ignition. We are doing pretty good to.

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Yeah Randy.

How have you been man?

It's been a crazy summer here. I've been roofing pretty much everyday after work. :rolleyes: I'm tired and ready for hunting season. (after two more roofs are done. :rolleyes::D) If I'm not roofing or working it seems I'm running the kids around. So, I guess I've been alright. ;) It's nice to have ya back...
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