Anyone having friends over for Laborday?


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Hope everyone is enjoying today, Labor Day.

We are having 30 or so over this evening for some fajitas and swimming and just to relax. The wife, daughters and myself have been getting things ready this afternoon.It was funny when I asked to do alittle work outside, they said...sheez dad, it's Labor Day. :D

Here are a few snap shots of them working for a change....

Cleaning the water toys/goggles etc


Blowing off the hickory nuts that the squirrels leave every morning.


Arranging tables


Girls goofing off


My job is to get the tiki torches ready


Cinderella cleaning the kitchen counter top, poor thing


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Awesome backyard there AA:) Cool to see everyone pitching in.

MY sons and I were at our hunting camp for the past 5 days and we are kind of BBQ'd out. Thats all we do at camp for dinner... BBQ over hardwoods. So I got home today and the Mrs. had made some home made lasagna;) MMMM.

Being Sept 1, our crow, goose and small game opened today here in NY. My 12 year old son Mike on his 1st day eleigible to hunt in NY... hunted. We got on to some crows with the FoxPro caller but none came in shotgun range. Still a good day hunting with my sons.

Happy Labor Day everyone!

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Well, we got though this afternoon evening. Everyone had a full belly and those that wanted to get wet did. At the last moment we invited a new family that recently joined our church, mom ,dad and 10 children. Wow, now that's a tribe. I had every intention to take some pics but I was the grillmaster and then head dishwaterand then host and lost track of time.

Thanks for all the kudus, my wife and I spend and have spent alot of time working in the yard. It's really an oasis for us and we do alot of hosting. After the sun sets is when the place lights up and gets a little tropical. These were not taken tonight but a couple of weeks ago.




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