how far is your bow sighted in


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So far this year my 3 pins are 10,20,&30. I shoot from the top of my roof about 20-25 feet high. I just started shooting last week. The farmer behind me has beans right up to my backyard fence and since my yard is small I can only practice out to 30 yards. Right now my grouping at 30 yards isn't as good as I'd like. I prefer consistent grapefruit size groupings before I move further back. Once I get 30 yards down, I may practice elsewhere and try getting consistent at 40 yards.

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im set up for 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. with broadheads i can shoot 5 inch groups consistantly out to 60 yards. but i wont shoot past 40 unless i have an arrow in the deer and he offers me another shot at a longer range.


I have the same feelings about the subject. Shooting past 40 is essentially reserved for clean up and secondary shots.

I would shoot out to 50 on animals with big vitals (ie. elk size) but I'm not comfortable with shooting any further. I personally know a guy that has taken quite a few animals beyond the 60 mark. He is an outstanding shot. He's also a pro-staffer for one of the big archery companies. It can be done with consistency and ethically. BUT! Just because you can shoot a target at some amazing distance doesn't mean you're ready to launch an arrow at game at said distance.

I believe most peoples maximum hunting comfort range is about half of their maximum target range. For me that's right at 25 yards. I will shoot further if the conditions and shot that presents itself feels really right. At 25yds I go into automatic.

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