Funny deer signs


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Are you serious tho he puts those up?

Yup this guy puts up these signs and used to increase the count when another deer got hit by a car. I guess he got tired of the updates and made this sign.

Do you think we have a deer problem here?

My sons and I are doing our best to help with that:D.

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Well how hard is it to get out of stater tags?And how many deer do you get??

Its not hard at all to get Non resident tags in NY at just have to pay. Non res big game $110.

Well, my sons who can hunt deer and I get tags to take about 5 deer a year. We always take at least 3 does back here and the best bucks we have taken have been from these woods. Bow only. Let me remind you that I live about 40 miles north from NYC. Suburban hunting is not like any other hunting you have done before. Horns blowing, garage doors opening and closing, kids playing and screaming,dogs barking, school bus air brakes all over. Not the peaceful hunt most of us look for. Every morning when I am in a tree in those woods, I can hear the national anthem playing in a elementary school about 1/2mile away. Yes... I stand and take my hat off :D There is good hunting here, but with all the bunny huggers around us it makes for a interesting drag.:rolleyes:

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