#2 -- Team Putemdown

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I don't get to start hunting until Oct. 1st. I just found out last weekend that a huge branch from a tree fell on my permanent stand and is still laying across it. It apperently fell off the tree during our windstorm we got from the hurricane a couple weeks back. Me and dad are taking a chainsaw out there saturday to clean it up, and fix the stand. If I have time I'll hang up a ladder stand too for bowseason.

I don't think I'll be able to get out hunting until Oct 10th, which is a day off school for me. I need to get my work schedule changed so I can hunt some on the weekends too.

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we open up here october first, im gonna probably go opening morning for a quick hunt before work then it will probably be saturday before i get a chance to go again, if i catch the right wind i will have a doe down by sunday evening i hope. I have several bucks popping up on camera including one giant that i hope to get. Im ready to rock em team

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I had hoped to hunt both the early muzzleloader season and the regular firearms season here in Kansas. Work is keeping me from hunting the muzzleloader which is on now thru Oct 5. So, I am limited now to regular firearms Dec 3 - 14....

but, I was able to get some scouting in the week before muzzleloader season opened last Monday ago and saw HIM silhouetted against the sky line about 400 yards from my blind. At first I thought it was a tree. This is the third year I've hunted HIM. This will be the year I Put'mdown.

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Well.........................it didn't go as planned, the hunt that is. I guess I was pumped up too much because I did alot of "rookie" mistakes on Saturday:o.

First off, when I was driving up at the lease, I realized that I had forgotten my boots. All I had were the tennis shoes on my feet, which were WHITE. There was no turning back because it was a 30 minute drive back to the house, so I continued on my way to the tree I was going to climb. When I realize that I don't have any scent killer spray!!!! I get my climbing stand on the tree, go to climb and notice that there is a limb that had grown over from the tree next to me and it was blocking me from going up to where I have my bow hanger and backback hook. So here I am frustrated sitting only about 10 ft off the ground, fuming mad at myself for making these stupid mistakes. After sitting there a few minutes sweating like a stuck pig, I here them........bzzzz........bzzzzz.......bzzzzz, stinkin' sqeeters are everywhere, and guess what...........I have no bug spray!:mad: So I sit there for about 45 minutes and can't take it anymore these dang sqeeters are about to carry me out of my stand. So I tell myself that the hunt was ruined any ways, I had scent all over the woods from walking in, I was sweating and the wind was blowing in the direction that the deer would probably be coming from, I was only 10 ft off the ground when I usually get about 20 ft off. So I pack it up and leave.

Call it first hunt jitters or whatever, I call it foolish.:D:rolleyes::o

Maybe next time......................I'LL PLAN A LITTLE BETTER!!!!:D:D:D:D

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Sorry I missed out on the first 3 pages to the thread. I'm here.

1st off. Messed up my shoulder, dr's orders not to touch my bow til Oct. 3rd. No practice either.... I'll be out in the woods as soon as possible. Lil'..... I also have a small tree across my permanent stand. Chaisaw falls into bad shoulder category. It's getting fixed SOON.

I ain't making any guarantees on shooting any deer, not to mention a big one.

I did get drawn for a muzzleloader hunt at Muscatatuck Reserve near Seymour in DEC. I have the potential to harvest 2 bucks this yr. Although if left completely up to me, I'll foul it up somehow.

Glad to be here, lookin forward to following along with everyone here.

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Nice hog dosse!

It's gonna be awhile before I can get back over to the lease in TX and hunt. I knew that I was gonna regret this part of moving to MS. I could buy a temporary license or whatever their called here but it's almost $200:eek: and that's for only 7 days I think. I should be back in TX by the end of the month. Hopefully things go the right way and I can help put some points on the board for us.

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Congrats dosse on the doe kill.

Man I'm itchin to get back out to my lease in TX, sitting here lookin at all of the success everyone has had on the forums is makin me crazy!:D

Oh well, the time will come again.....probably the weekend of the 25th.:cool:

Good luck everyone.

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Congrats on the doe. I got out last weekend and put some trail cameras out. Lots of prints. Found several large scrapes and rubs. It would appear we're going to have a cold winter and an early rut.

Can't wait to get back in a couple weeks and see what's doing it all. Will share if anything good - and if I can figure out how to load pics.

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1 week from today I hope to have atleast a doe down. I hope the weather turns cold, hopefully atleast the nights so the morning hunts will be good with moving deer. But who knows.. Seems to me that summer is back with the way the weather is around here.. Also.. there really isn't a good acorn crop in my neck of the woods this year.. how this will effect the deer, we'll see. I think it might be a year to set up close to bedding areas if they are not going to be on the oak flats like they usually are. Anyone have any input on what to do with the lack of acorns? Baiting is not an option.

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