#4 -- Team Freezer Fillers

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Great looking deer, good luck. Went opening weekend with the crew from work for waterfowl. Will be getting into the tree stands more the upcoming next 2 weekends...I have Sat/Sun/Mon off this weekend and Fri/Sat/Sun the following which is the 4 day anterless gun hunt...Should be able to get a baldy on the ground...

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4 day anterless gun starts this Thursday. I have to work on Thurs-but should be able to sneak away from work for a couple of hours...Friday I have to take my Dad musky fishing (won't break that promise), so it looks like I'm going to have to join the crowds on Sat and Sun....At least I already know where I am going and what time I need to be there....Good luck to all, Eric

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My morning hunt was great.....Nice cool temps and deer moving...

I saw 9 skin heads and 4 bucks.....None of the does cooperated.:rolleyes::( But every one of the bucks came to 15 yards or less but none were big enough for me to shoot:eek::rolleyes:. But it was a fun morning.:)

The afternoon hunt I only saw 1 doe.

I hope Sunday morning is just as good :cool:

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Only had 1 deer within shooting range the past 2 days- 15 yards to be exact-and of course, he had horns...It was a fork horn, but had horns none the less, so he got the pass. Sunday is last chance for a few days...But with the weather change, good things to come. That little guy had his neck starting to swell...Good luck to all!

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had a great opening day... saw 8 deer in the morning and 1 in the afternoon... 7 were does and 2 bucks... and i will stick with the trend, none of the does cooperated... the 4 point i saw in the morning was 15 yards out... coulda smoked him about 6 times... the 3 point in the afternoon was about 20 yards out... closest doe was 45 yards out, about 10 yards outta my comfort range... will be heading out tomorrow morning to smoke a slick-head and/or a big buck!!! afternooon im taking off to watch my Bills beat the Chargers!!!

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well i had another outstanding morning... 11 deer total... first light i seen what i thought may have been a doe come from my east... i didn't shoot just incase it was a small buck...(it was still dark enough that i couldn't make a positive id) while later had a momma and little one to the west of me heading south... not too long after that had another doe come from the east... this time i knew it was a doe, and at 25 yards i let an arrow fly... right over her back...:o clean miss... all this happened around 7:30... about 20 minutes later i seen movement to the west of me... it was two bucks, a small 3 and a small 4... they were heading east and actually walked right by where i just shot at the doe... they were way to small too shoot so i just sat back and watched... it quited down for a while... after probably 45 minutes- 1 hour i seen 3 deer to the east of me probably 80 yards out, they never came any closer... about 9:30 i got outta my stand to look for my arrow... started to look for it and about 5 minutes later i hear crashing and banging... i look up and see a doe and buck doing mach one through the woods... needless to say i never found my arrow... taking this afternoon off to watch some football... definitely going out in the morning though...

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Well I attempted to go this morning....but since it was pouring down rain I choose not to go. Getting ready to go out tonight for a quick scouting trip.....Hope to see something worth while.

I might try to go in the morning.

Just for grins and giggles I check out our score......We are currently tied for 6th place. Thanks Shane. Hopefully we can get some deer on the ground and move on up to the top :D;):cool:

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