Team #6 -- Trails End

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Well.. sorry guys, my season is over, no mule buck =( Last day I was going to take any 4x4 I came across but I never got a chance.. Saw some deer in a far pasture, parked the pickup & took off towards em, walked like a mile, & belly crawled up over a hill, just to see the WIDEST mulie I've ever seen jump the fence to the neighbors' place going after a doe. Mannn was I mad =[

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I just took my final exam and I'm out until January 7. A buddy and I are going to spend a lot of time trying to get a kill on film. Will be bowhunting majority of time, but as Christmas approaches will probably start bringing .270 along just in case. Have a bunch of P&Y bucks on cams, just hope they show up. Will stop in once a week or so to update. Good luck everyone!

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Wow! Congrats on a great season slaw!

Hunted Friday afternoon and saw 6 does, but that was it

Filmed my dad Saturday morning. Saw 8, no shooters.

Filmed little bro Sat evening. Saw none.

Hunted this morning and saw 2 does.

Things are definitely heating up around here. Weather has been perfect but the wind is switching to the south. Tomorrow is suppose to be warm and tuesday and wednesday are suppose to be rainy and windy, but the end of the week looks promising. Good luck to those still hunting!

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Well I've seen some nasty weather since the last time I updated. I filmed my 7 year old brother shooting a nice 7 point Saturday evening. I'll get that video up as soon as I figure out how to do so. Weather is supposed to be rough through this week also, but I'll find a way to hunt. Good luck to everyone still hunting

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Hey guys and gals. I'm sorry it's been a while since I've last checked in with the team. I've been extremely busy with my hunting trips and work. So, I haven't had much time to pop in and post on here until now.

My archery hunting trip was a bust. I only saw three deer total from my stands at over 100 yards away the entire two weeks of archery hunting. I saw a lot of deer while out scouting, but not when actually in the stand with my bow. I also saw the same big black bear twice in the one area we hunted which made me wish it was bear season and that I had a tag this year.

My rifle hunting trip went a bit better than my archery hunting trip. I saw a lot of deer, including four legal bucks, but couldn't get any clean shots on them due to heavy cover or out of range for my rifle. I managed to shoot a big doe the one day and another hunter I was with ended up shooting her button-buck fawn that was with her.

My hunting seasons are now over, so I submitted my doe for the team. I won't be hunting the late archery season or muzzleloader season. Congrats to everyone that got deer this season while I was gone! :D

Here's a picture of me with my doe. She's a bit beat up and frozen stiff. We had a lot of heavy snow/ice and it took a toll on her when dragging her out of the woods after I shot her. It also turns out while gutting her I noticed she was a tad bit of a piebald in color. Her hooves were half black and half white with a bit of extra white fur coming up from her hooves onto her legs on some of her feet. I thought it was pretty neat.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a spike, 6 point, and a decent 8 make their way into bow range on my 6 am-12:30pm sit today. The 8 was tempting, but I held out. Two does was all I saw on the evening hunt.

Weather isn't looking great for the rest of my break, but I'll still be hunting hard once school starts back.

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