Team #9 --- BuckBusters

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You first need to save the image to your computer. To do this " right click on the image " Then choose "save as" choose the location where you would like to save the image on your computer, and then name the file and click on "save".

After you have done this upload the image to your favorite imgae hosting site .. the most commom one use is Photobucket.

The on the Realtree Forums page click on " User CP " and then choose " Edit Signature "

Option #1. is where you would paste in the web url where the image is located .. IE (Photobucket) ..

Option #2. is where you would just browse to the location on your computer where you saved the image and select that file ..;)

This should get you a new signature ... GOOD LUCK ... ;)

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That's awesome nj!!

Come Oct. 3, I will either be perched over alfalfa or standing beans, I need to decide. Over the standing bean field, I have seen about 150" buck in the area, and over the alfalfa, I saw a 160" buck or bigger the last day of shotgun season here, which was early December. I'll probably rotate between those two stands all weekend.

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Well, I finally made it out tonight. It was a little warm but still some activity. About 5:30 I saw a coyote at about 400 yards. Then about 6 or a little after I had a 2.5 yr old little 6 pt come out at 30 yds, fed around, bedded down at 43 yds for about 15 or 20 minutes, then fed off. That's the only deer I saw tonight in the stand, walking out, I spooked 2 off of a field, both does. Tomorrow morning I'll be sitting over standing beans where there is a ton of sign. Good luck to all!!

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Congrats njbowhunter!! Yesterday morning I had a spike under my tree and passed, saw 5 other but none came close enough. Last night I didn't see anything, however this morning, I missed a doe at 25 yds. I just completely blew the shot. I'm going back out tonight to a different spot, where I was Friday night when I saw that little 6 point.

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