Team #9 --- BuckBusters

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Congrats il on the great lookin 8. I went out this weekend and passed up on a lot of little buck with the biggest being 125 class 8 pt. I did however manage to get my hands on hold of a hen. Here is a link to the thread

Gearing up for shotgun season this weekend to maybe get hold a big ol' boy:D Good luck to all the rest of your hunting season.


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Thanks, il. I saw 4 deer all weekend, including the one that I shot. Not a lot of shooting. It was definitely a slow gun season. Hopefully things pick up. I will be home all week for Thanksgiving break and a family friend saw 3 BIG bucks on some property so hopefully I'll spend some time in a stand out there and maybe get a shot at one of them. If not, i'll have 2nd season to hunt, like I said, hopefully movement picks up.

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I haven't been able to get out as much as I would like this week. Some things came up and I got busy. I've been out 2 mornings and haven't seen a deer. I'm seriously starting to think that there are no deer in the areas that I bowhunt. This is starting to get depressing and ridiculous. I've been hunting for a month and a half and have yet to see a buck I can call a basket-rack, much less a a shooter. I've only seen 6 bucks all season, only 2 of them being bigger than a spike or forkhorn and like I said, I can't even bring myself to classify them as basket-racks. This sucks. Hopefully things turn around next weekend for 2nd second shotgun season or Muzzleloader season. For Muzzleloader season, i'm going to a place where big bucks are often seen and consistently taken, so hopefully I'll get something in 3 days of hunting.

Good Luck to all!

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Same boat as you Kyle. I've been out several times this week and have only seen two deer since gun season began:mad:, which was this last friday. I do plan to hunt the second gun season this time taking any doe I see or a buck above 140 class. Good luck to all and hope a big one walks in front of all of you:D;)


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Hi folks. I just got back from the 9 day gun hunt. Hunting was good for our group this year, and we put 12 on the deer pole.

I shot a doe on Monday, a half rack buck on Wednesday, and a real nice 8 pointer on Friday. Here is my big dilema though, I used my tag on Wednesday to burn the buck tag for this year. That one only has 4 points on it. In Wisconsin, you can group bag, and I had my son tag my nice 8 pointer. I'm not sure if I can count the 8 pointer towards our total, or not as I killed it, but don't have my tag on it.

If I can ever figure out how to get scanned pictures in here, I will get the pics in here.

Nice buck, KTM. That is a dandy.


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