Team #12 -- Death from Above

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Well tonight marks the end of my little vacation and I don't have any points to add to our total, but I sure did have a good time this past week with nothing to do but go hunting. I did see a few deer, but nothing that I was looking for. I did end up killing 2 hogs with my bow and another hog with the AR.

Congrats on the 6 pointer SuperMn106

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Hey boys and girls...I've got good news! I played a little string music on Monday...let the Montec go to work on a big ol' Illinois 10 point. I'll get pics up asap and enter him so we can get our 15 points! Hope everyone's seasons are shaping up and you're seeing some nice deer! The team is doing really well!

Take care,


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Here ya go... Typical 5 point side on the right, and a split brow on the left.

Long story short... Came in on a string right in front of me at 20 yards, way down in a creek bed I was sitting over (probably 45 feet down). Stared at me for probably 5-7 minutes facing directly at me. Finally turned to his left, I drew back, and somehow my arrow fell off the string and landed on the ground under me. He whipped his head back around with me at full draw and stared at me for another 5 minutes (full draw remember). I finally was able to let up when he turned away and got another arrow. After staring at me for another couple minutes he turned just like he did the first time. I drew VERY carefully, settled the pin for a split second, and nervous that something else would go wrong, I let it fly as soon as I could.

He ran about 50 yards and died within my sight! Rut_n_strut helped me drag him quite a ways up to the field so we could drive the truck to him. He's at the taxidermist now! I've got one more buck tag and more than 2 months to fill it still, so hopefully I'll have more good news over the next few weeks! Take care, everyone!


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Thanks, wacoyote and Gus! It's hoppin' here. I'll be out HOPEFULLY tomorrow, but definitely Friday, Sat, and Sun. They're entering the chasing phase of the rut...just getting wrapped up with the seeking phase. The big boys have and will be out regularly during daylight hours, so spend as many hours in the stand as you can, everybody around the midwest! I was at my buddy's farm a few days ago and saw two bonified shooters! One had some nontypical stuff going on. Maybe we'll catch up with one of em soon! He's also got a really weird one that needs to be's about 12-15 points, huge body, very dominant, but antlers are really small I guess. It'd be nice to get down to one of the last days if I still had a buck tag and shoot that guy. Get some extra points for the team, do some nice herd management... Well everyone keep at it! Looking forward to hearing more stories!

Also, congrats Supermn on the buck!

Take care,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Shot a doe during the first IL shotgun season, but obviously won't enter her in the contest. Just checking in...hope things start picking up for everyone. Sounds like they're not moving as well as we'd like around the country. The other place where I hunt has two or three giants roaming around, so I may be able to beat my previous score. Hope everyone is safe and had a happy Thanksgiving!

Take care,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Been gone since before Christmas and did alot of hunting, didn't see but one nice buck all season and I let him walk he was an 8 point and I hope he survived the season so that I can maybe get a shot at him next year. The last time I seen him was a couple days before the seaon ended which yesterday was the last day for me. I did get a couple of cull bucks, I shot a 4 point on Christmas Day and I shot a spike the last morning.

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