Team #13 -- Big Buck Crew

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I worked saturday and went to camp saturday night and hunted sunday. Sunday morning I found myself sitting in a 22 foot skyscraper treestand that I had hung this summer. At first light a doe came in and she didnt stay long. Then nothing happening until 8:30am. A small button buck showed up to eat some corn. He cicrled the feeder a couple times and calmed down and began to eat. He ate for about 20 min. When he looked up, so I am thinking more deer coming in and sure enough here comes 2 does. I stand up and pick my trusty browning mirage1.5 up and ready the xx78 arrow. I know the rut is knocking on the door here in florida and I want my first florida deer bad. Thats when I saw the 4 pointer he was following those does. I pulled back and gave a bahh sound to stop him, and he did. I let the lumenock light shine with the release of the arrow. Smack right on target. A pass through right behind the shoulder. He does the kick jump and runs for about 50 yards and falls over I said YES! but then he got back up and I says NO! he runs again and he crashes just out of sight. I wait about 30 min. get down and find my arrow covered in the red stuff. I follow blood and do some circles and find my buck. Now I know hes not big but it just came together so well. I was and still am very excited about this deer. He will be so good! I cant wait. I now can hold out for something bigger. thanks for reading my story! Sean:)

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I Shot another 4 pointer yesterday. He was at 10 yards and he just looked so good! I sat all morning saw nothing and went back and shot this buck at 5:20 last night he ran about 70 yards. He took the arrow well and I knew he was lung shot because when he took off I saw blood and bubbles coming from his side. I am having the hardest time passing on these deer. I am only allowed one more buck in archery season here in florida so I am going to try real hard to save it for a big buck! I can take one doe though!! And I will! The arrow didnt pass through. He was kinda hrad to track because he ran into a 20 acre feild of vines and weeds. But i kept on the trail and I found him about 40 yard from my truck!!! That was nice!. He is keeping my other 4 pointer company in the freezer. Hey together i got 8 points,lol. I will keep trying for bigger bucks guys tex I dont know how you do it.:)

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Good job. How about posting the kill and tag pics in the entry thread? You can always post new pics later if you kill something bigger.

Thanks Texan ,florida dosnt have any tagging for there deer kills and I need a better pic of him to enter dont you think? This is off a cell phone. I will get better pic of his head gear in a week. i will not be at my camp until i get back from maryland and I leave friday for a week but when i get back I have to take them to the processor. Then i will get much better pics. To be honest I forgot my camera yesterday sorry about that guys. Lucky my budy had his cell phone with him. What do I do just take a pic of me and the buck with my name and state to enter?:confused:

Here is the other pic of the buck sorry about the thumb in it hahah

Oh the pics are of him after I field dressed him


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