#14 -- Team Freak Nasty

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I like the name "Team Freak Nasty". I got to spend a good bit of time this past week back at the family farm...I posted some of the good pictures in the Photography Room under a post "WV Farm Pics" or something similiar.

There were deer everywhere, but didn't ever see any of the big boys. Good luck to all, can't wait to see some success pictures soon.

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Spent the last two days at my lease. The area where stand #1 is in has a clearing that hogs had rooted up, so I took advantage of that and used an old harrow and drug it out and planted about 20lbs of wheat and rye seed in it. Took a break and went for a walk, and jumped a deer within probably 200yds of there, so who knows. Went looking for an area to put my other stand, and found what I hope to be a staging area before the deer hit this big field to my south. Walked it today and found rub in it, so decided to habg my stand there as well. Only time will tell, thats for sure. Season starts Wed, but I gotta wait till Sat before I can hit the woods

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So close, but yet so far. Got home early last night, showered and decided to sit on a road in the local WMA where I killed a doe 4yrs ago. Anyways, walking in, hear something right off the road about 25yds in front of me, and it's a deer, never could see what it was, but it wondered off. Walked on in, and from the looks of things on the ground, thought I should sit where I could see the road, but decided to go on. That decision cost me a shot at a doe. 720'ish I turn and look behind me, 3 at 10yds. Now I am sitting on the ground, and until I moved, don't think they knew I was even there. Had that not happened, and they kept coming, it would have put me at <1yd from them. Oh well, may try it again tonight

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I got a chance to scout a new piece of land tonight which I got permission to hunt from a guy at my church. It's only 11 acres, but it was heavy with trials, some nice rubs, and one scrape that I found.

He sees deer all the time from his back window where his wife has a salt block out for them. Hopefully I can slip back into the woods one night next week and get set up on them.

Best of luck to the rest of the team!

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Mine took a big dump this weekend. Went to the lease Sat to hunt. Went to my stand over looking a food plot about 430, only to find my stand GONE, someone decided I was in to good of a place I guess and took it, but they did leave my brand new bow hanger in the tree. Walked out, hopped on the four wheeler to check my other stand and met up with the main guy who got the lease, told him about it, and he wanted a look see. Rode back over there, and when I pulled up on the woodline a decent 8pt took off not 20yds from where I walk in at

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No luck here yet....temps have been way warmer than usual and deer just arent moving at all. The temps are starting to drop now...so hopefully they will start. Rifle season starts tom. so its buck only..till the begining of Dec, then late muzzle loader should prove to be interesting. I love hunting with snow. good luck everyone! I will be plugging away! ED (bdboy53)

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