#20 -- Team Venison Vengence

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My Tuesday didn't go as planned. Well actually it did, I just didn't do what I was suppose to do. I had a doe come in around 5pm. She hung around for an hour just munching and taking her sweet time coming into range. She was pretty distracted by the neighbors cutting their corn, so that let me get away with quit a bit of movement to get ready for a shot. After an hour or so she finally gave me a 30 yard shot, slightly quartering to me. I took the shot through a small opening and connected with her front shoulder. She took to big bounds and stopped just behind a tree. She must have stood there for 15 minutes or so and then I watched her walk off into the CRP field. Now the big debate started, do I get down and check my arror or stay in the tree and wait for dark. I made the decision to get down and go check my arrorw. I was just about ready to get down, I had my bow tied to my drop rope ready to lower it down, when I heard deer coming. I got my bow off the rope and an arrow knocked just in time. I nice 8 pointer came trotting past me at 10 yards. The nice thing is he never even knew I was there.

After dark I got my FIL & BIL to help me do a little tracking. We found my arror and blood right away. There was a pretty good blood trail so we backed out. I started thinking to myself, where she stopped and stood there was impressive blood. The thing is it would have been impressive if she had only stood there for a few seconds. She stood there about 15-20 minutes so I was thinking that it wasn't that impressive after all. I went back out Wednesday for 4 hours and searched the CRP field, but with grass as tall as me and thicker than I have ever seen it, I had no luck.

After going over the shot, looking at my arrow, and broadhead blade that was bent pretty good, I am pretty confident she has just a good dent in her shoulder and a cut that will heal over. Don't get me wrong, I am sick to death that I blew the shot, 30 yards has been money in the bank all summer.

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Hey team, congrats to everyone that has scored, i see we are in second place , on the road to #1:). I have been hunting the past 2 weekends here in IL and the week before last up in Wisconsin. The week i spent in WI didn't produce anything but does and small bucks . The does i passed due to my schedule and warm weather. Last weekend here in IL I seen a total of 8 bucks, 6 I had shots at 2 were close enough but never gave me a good shot. One of the two was a monster 11 point, there were 2 others i probably should have taken but they will surely be trophies next year or good eating toward the end of this season:D This past weekend was a washout due to the high winds. This coming weekend looks very promising, the bucks are really starting to move around here and i have always seen shooters at this time, hopefully the wind is in my favor. Good luck to everyone else.

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Hey team,

I have added 5 points to our score. The pictures are in the entry thread and the story goes like this.

I went out Wednesday Oct. 28th and got settled in around 3:45. There I sat until 6:00 when I heard a deer coming down the ridge to the south of my stand. I picked her up about half way down and was pretty certain she would come past my stand based on how she was moving. She got down to the ditch and into some thick brush, that's when I lost sight of her, but I could still hear her down there. That's when I noticed a second deer coming in behind her. I picked up the second deer coming down the side hill to my south as well. About this time I picked up the first doe again and she was on a path to walk behind my stand. I couldn't get into position for the shot because low and behold the second deer made it to me and was standing directly in front of me at 15 yards. Seeing that the second deer was a doe, I turned my attention to her. She made her way past my stand on a trail that is 10 yards to the south of me. She stopped perfectly in a shooting lane, and that's when I let the WASP Jackhammer tipped Goldtip eat. She ran 50 yards back up the hill to my south, stopped and did a death tumble back down the hill. About 10 minutes later she let out her death bawl and I knew she was down for good. All of this happened within 5 minutes. After my FIL and I found her, I noticed the shot placement wasn't the best. It was high and a little far back. I am pretty confident that I did some damage to the main artery that runs along the back of a deer.

I am thankful to the man upstairs for providing me the oppurtunity to take one of his most magnificent animals. I would also like to thank my wife who is the most understaning person I know. She may give me some grief about hunting but she never stands in my way when I want to get out there.


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