If You Could Only Put Out 1 Thing


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if i had to pick one of those probably a mineral block. but corn is the best atractant the does love it atract the does and about the last week of october you will start seeing the big boys. i obviously dont use this technique in pa as it is illegal but i have hunted over corn in the past mainly in west virginia. i have found that does and smaller bucks will use it year round but i tend to always end up seeing the shooter bucks as the rut aproaches they will check the baited area daily for receptive does.

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Other than planting a plot..........Corn.

I've tried several of the blocks....no luck

I've tried the C'Mere deer...a waste of money

I've tried the buck jam....no luck

I've heard that peanut butter works good but I've never tried it.

I've had the most success on rye grass and corn.

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Guest Bigbuckor2

Roasted Soybean and Corn mix. It's legal in Texas to feed because of low fences and 99% private land.

Besides if I am going to go to the expense to feed anything, then I am going to try to give the deer something with enough protein to make a difference. Cost $10.99/50#BG.

I just put out 700# last Saturday.

Good Luck to all and safe hunting.

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Nothing at all. I prefer to hunt natural food sources like acorns,apples,or beechnuts.Occasionally I'll hunt a field edge or trail leading to a green field. I like the challenge of figuring out what they are eating and when, hopefully it will make me a better hunter. Although I have shot deer over feed called "crunchy 16" and there aint nothing wrong with that.(where legal of course)

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