Don't just sit there, DO something!


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It's for real, guys. If you ever are going to get involved in a political campaign, now is the time. I just bought a camo cap and some stickers and signs at John McCain's website.

That is a link to the sportsmen for McCain stuff, they have separate stuff for Catholics, Veterans, different minority groups, all kinds of categories.

Make a contribution, talk it up to your friends and family, be an influence in your circle. I have never done this before, but I believe in this guy and I fear the other one.

Please do it now. Thanks.


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I believe that when you purchase stickers, shirts, hats, etc. that the funds do not go directly to the candidate by federal election law. In essence, you are paying for his advertising to get his name out there.

Election law also prohibits 501C's from donating to candidates, so anything you purchase will be for profit to someone.

I tried to find some references on fundraising through shirts, hats, etc. but I am certain that I read that somewhere a long time ago. Maybe someone could dig deeper if they know something.

Really, the best way to donate is simply by going straight to his website and giving a cash donation.

When I went to the townhall here in Jersey, they didn't sell or giveaway anything. They just walked the line and asked for contributions.

But, remember you are purchasing advertising for our candidate whether the money goes to him or not. So either way, its all good.

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Many times, a candidate will send you items if you make a contribution to their campaign, but it is usually just a button or a sticker. This site has a direct link from the campaign website, so I wouldn't feel bad from ordering from them. Also, I would check your local party headquarters for items that they give out for free or sell for a small fee. Mostly this would be yard signs, buttons, or decals.

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