Canker Sores!!!!!

Guest SRA

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Re: Canker Sores!!!!!

Go to the doctor and he or she can prescribe medication so that you never get them again. After Sept 11th, I had them for almost 4 months straight. (stress). I was dating a chick that said she got them also and that they now have medication for them.

If you take the medication as soon as you feel them coming on, they will stop and disappear.

Years ago, they only had the topical stuff, but it never worked. The new meds should be a welcome addition to your medicine cabinet. I have some right now and haven't gotten a cold sore since February, 2002.

Go to the doctor and tell them you want a prescription for cold sore meds. They'll ask a few questions and give you a prescription for about a year. It's a life saver.

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Re: Canker Sores!!!!!

Canker sores are the worst. Seems like when I do get one, just about the time it clears up, I get another! Only thing that seems to work for me is to wash my mouth with Listerine. Seems to help the pain temporarily.

I hope you didn't just jinx me. I haven't had one in quite a while!

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Re: Canker Sores!!!!!


Man I had a ex girlfriend that gave them to me all the time! They hurt so bad! And No she was not nasty! Just got canker sores easy! But I hate those things!

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more than we care to know there buddy crazy.gifwink.gif

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