Couple New Mount Pics


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Here's a few of my mounts. Most of the mounts are in my dad's house. The top three mounts are at my apartment. Eventually I'll have a house of my own with a room big enough to put my mounts in. BTW, I've got eight mounts on the way. Three whitetails (all shoulder mounts), a blue wildebeast (shoulder mount), an impala (shoulder mount), a blesbuck (shoulder mount), a duiker (full mount), and a steinbuck (full mount). Keep in mind I'm only 23 and my hunting career is just beginning.








Here's a few of my dad's mounts. He's also got a pile of ducks and other birds but I don't have those uploaded yet.






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Re: Couple New Mount Pics

Careful what you say RTF, I just might take you up on that offer sometime!

The polar bear is definately the coolest mount in the house. It was such a big deal that we even had a polar bear party when he got the mount back.

Thanks for the compliments guys. I'm planning on setting up a new webshots page with just pictures of mine and my dad's mounts. When I get it all finished I'll surely let you all know.

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