Hog Hunting


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The hogs finally showed up Saturday night about 8:45 while I was sitting in stand waiting on them to come to a feeder, I could hear them coming thru the leaves and doing a little squealing, so I turned on the red light by the feeder and got ready for them to show up. There was a sow and some bigger pigs I was watching them thru the scope waiting on a clear shot, then this boy showed up and they gave him all the room he wanted. After I shot him, I wasn't real sure how I was going to get him moved to where I could load him up, since he was in the middle of the feeder and you can't drive a 4 wheeler thru the gate plus I knew I couldn't pick him up by myself. So I decided I would go get my uncles 4 wheeler he had brought up the weekend before and test out the winch on the front, it worked like a champ. Pulled the hog out to the open, then threw the winch cable over a limb and pulled the hog up so I could back my truck under him so he could get a ride to town.

Not sure what happened to his back leg, but it looked like it might have been broke at one time and it was starting to heal back up, you can see in the pic with the gun that he still had a good size sore that didn't look to good.



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I don't have a scale, but I would guess between 175-200. I know that winch on the front of my uncles 4 wheeler came in handy, I could hardly pull him away from the feeder legs far enough to hook the winch to him. I need to get a scale, I would like to know what the hogs actually do weigh that I kill, I guess I will have to invest in a good scale.

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You might wish you had them, but if you did you would want them gone, they sure mess up alot of stuff. Come on down to Texas and kill all of them you want.

Isn't that the way it seems to work tho ...

We always want what we don't have and want to get rid of what we do have ... :eek::D;)

My plane rides are done for the year ... I dead beat ... :o;)

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