indiana deer hunting reports


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Hello everyone! I'm starting this thread to help fellow deer hunters in indiana. If you have anything to put out for deer hunters in indiana then this would be a great place to do it. I'm not sure if there are anyother threads of the same type, so i figure i would go ahead and start one. For our brothers and sisters to the east and west of us (IL and OH) don't be afraid to put something on here if you think it will benefit us in indiana. Good luck this season everyone, be safe and happy hunting. :D

We are 3 weeks away from opening day.... With that being said, i talked to my buddy who hunts squirel and he said he had seen a couple of rubs (taking off their velvet) around the area he has been hunting. I drove around with the girlfriend a week ago and saw three smaller bucks still together and full velvet, soon they should be splitting up. Hopefully this year will be a great year, if the weather continues to be cool out for the rest of deer season then hopefully we will all have great luck.

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I hunt halfway between ft. wayne and indy... with that being said, there seems to be a lot more corn being planted this year (biofuel), that is where i believe they are hanging out in. 2 years ago, i didn't see anything at all until the corn started coming down, then i started seeing all kinds of bucks... so i would have to say, relax and wait. As with anyone who has hunted for a long time, corn comes down, rut picks up, you see deer you have never seen. Good luck

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Hey fellow Hoosiers !! I'm here in the NW corner (1/2 way between Chi & Indy), seeing deer. But I'm old fashion, like a father expecting a newborn child, you don't know for sure until it's in front of you. I was thinking the other day about the deer in the southern part of the state where they had the problem last season, anyone heard anything on how their herds are?

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Guest hunter-greg

Over Labor Day weekend, I saw 20-25 deer in bean fields, including one HUGE buck, in Sullivan County. They were coming out in the fields about 45 minutes before dark. Saw a lot of deer this summer in Madison, and Hancock counties, but haven't seen any lately.

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doing a great job guys, making this really useful

hey everyone, i'm really glad more people are posting info on here. this is what i wanted when i decided to start this. if we continue to do this it will help out a lot to everyone.

I have been out a little bit this past week and have noticed so does moving about 30 min before dark. no bucks, but i have standing corn in a middle of woods and outside the woods.

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Madison/Grant county line

Hey everyone,

I've been setting the trail camera out for about 3 months, have only caught does and fawns. Kind of disapointing no bucks. Last year had about 6 diffrent ones. The wife seen our first buck a few nights ago about 200' from the house, but thats it. I plant very small food plots and supply corn along with mineral suplements and salt through the year. The main thing I lack is a good water supply, and let me tell ya, it hurts. We are about 2 weeks out and I'm ready. I talked to the farmer of the land and I think I'm going to buy 1/4 acre of corn to let stand. Hopefully this increase the late season activity being all the activity came in early archery last year with no deer harvested. Good luck everyone and be safe and responsible out there.

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I've getting pictures of my larger deer cleaned up now and we are right around the corner. I'm fining almost exclusive nighttime movements on my field edge trail cams and complete daylight movement on my cams in the woods. They have been moving from 730 745 am and from 430-700 pm in the woods from what I've seen. Most of my night activity is taking place at either right after dark til 11pm or from 4 am till morning.......

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I'm helping a buddy hang a few stands Thursday morning. I know it's a bit late but it's better than nothing. Any good ideas on where to place them for early season success. There are a lot of tree lines and fields and I'm thinking that a good spot would be in the corner of where a couple fields and tree lines all come together. Any other suggestions??

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Guest hunter-greg

I took my daughter out this weekend for her first bowhunt during Youth Season at Minniehaha in Sullivan County. We didn't see any does, except while driving, but Saturday night, we had a nice probably 2.5 year old 7 pt. buck 10 ft. from our ground blind. He wandered around for 5 minutes or so before going out into a bean field. It absolutely made her weekend.

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