indiana deer hunting reports


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he didn't have to smell or see you. What happened was you rattled and a deer can pinpoint where that comes from. Once he realized that there wasn't any deer around to fight, he knew something wasn't right. You have to be extremely careful not to rattle when a deer is looking in your direction unless there is some elevation change where the "fighting" deer could be hidden. If not the buck will realize something isn't right......

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Well this guy came in at 910 this morning, i grunted 3 times at him and he walked behind me and stopped at 15 yds. the rage did the job, he ran 10 yds and turned around to see what just happened and dropped right there... he was a 7 with a couple lil kickers... he weighed field dress around 160. on another note also, on the way home to grab a couple things before field dressing him, i saw 3 bucks chasing one doe in the middle of a field around 1000. it's on...







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Guest indianahunter1

I went out yesterday and spent all day in the wood's and that morning i saw a doe and buck together the buck went off to the right and the doe went left i saw them at 6:55 am and then i saw a spike with 14" horn's and his body was big . he looked like a half grown calf . he never came my way . the rest of the day i never saw anything but chipmunk's , squrriel's and bird's . i think the weather has them messed up . i hunt franklin county

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went out this evening and hadnt even been on stand for 20 mins and my brother, who was 150 yds away, had a 150 class 10 point come out in front of him. He got buck fever and miss judged the yardage(first year bowhunting also) but that buck hung around in the woods until dark so he didnt spook it.

I noticed his neck wasnt very big yet. Today was our first time hunting there and we have seen 5 different bucks and 3 have been shooters. We actually had just gotten done hanging the stand he was sitting in about an hour before we went back out.

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Saturday morning the 8th of November:Saw 4 bucks and 4 does. Some following, but not ardent pursuit. Nothing huge a little 6 and 3 8's, biggest maybe grosses 110. All in the woods a pretty good distance from crops.

Saturday evening, corn field edge/winter wheat: 7 does, not one buck. The last doe I saw fed to broadside at 20 yards. She got a ride in the truck for that. That's #2 for the year. Spitfire to the lungs and down in 50 yards.

Lots of corn still up all over, though.


Edit to add that I was in Porter and LaPorte counties.

Edited by Hoosierbuck
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Guest Scrape53

Field Info

Hoosierbuck, Same Here, I Hunted Hard Friday, Sat, Sunday.

Tally, 19 Doe And 7 Bucks, Bucks All Small, 4, 6,8 Pointers.

Lots Of "Seeking" Not Much Chasing Yet In My Woods.

I Hunt Stueben County. Largest I Have Seen This Year Was A 140 10 Pointer, Heavy Rack.

Good Luck, As You Know Persistence Is The Name Of The Game!


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Just had a chance to catch up on things-NICE ONE hoosierhunter!! Congrats!! Report from me- 1st day out=Nov 1st/am=2 doe. /pm out of the stand at sundown, seen some feeding in the field between me & truck, so I held up not to spook them. The one was heading in my direction, once it was silohuetted seen nice tall perfect 8pt. Had time where I could have pulled the string, but, don't like to push my luck,(distance 50yd) especially on this nice boy. We'll cross pathes again.

2nd outing- Nov 8th/am Windy!! Seen nothing. /pm, in stand at 2, around 3:30, decided to get to the ground, to much tree sway to try to do a shot. As I'm getting ready, guess what-MR8 appears out of nowhere 50 yds away. To far, to much wind, he trots away & back into the woods.

3rd outing-Nov 9th/pm-Seen nothing moving. Thought that since it was windy again, just set up a ground blind. (would have only been 25 yd shot on MR8 if he showed at the same spot=NO LUCK.

Might get out Thursday pm, if not, looks like Saturday for firearms.

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Seeing a few in NW. Clinton Co. but not the activity I was expecting. Went to Miami Co. this past Sat. morning and saw deer running all morning, small 8 pt came within 20 yds after rattling and a few grunts to bring him in. did not shoot. saw a small buck chasing does through the woods and a few does on their own.

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Guest Scrape53

Heh, I Hunt In NE Part Of Steuben County, Saw 16 Doe This AM, 5 Bucks, All Basket Racks. The Place Is Tore Up With Big Buck Sign. Two Basket Racks Fought In Front Of Me About 8:30am, Quite A Sight To Witness.

I'm Out Tomorrow AM Hunting Til 2:00pm. Last Effort With Bow, Gun As You Know Is Saturday. Good Hunting.


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i haven't been out since shooting my buck but from what everyone is telling me around here that the rut has already started. even though you don't see it going on, it's going on (night time). two guys that i hunt with stated that they have seen bucks breeding does... the day i shot my buck i saw 3 bucks coming up on a doe, the doe just stood there waiting for one of them, so it's started, it just may not be happening during the hunting hours

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