Magnolia Warbler (pic)


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The other day while sitting in our family room watching a movie, I notice 2 birds come flying right at our double glass sliding door to the patio. Unfortunately they both smack the glass, one flies away and the other is stunned, laying on the ground. I quickly jump up and hurry outside where I pick it up. At first it was too disoriented to even sit up, but after 10 minutes or so it started to come around and eventually was able to sit on my finger. Mom grabbed the camera and was able to snap a few shots of it before it finally flew away. :D

Unfortunately this seems to happen quite a bit with these paticular doors no matter what we do. I've put cling decals on the windows and everything to try to prevent it but nothing seems to help. :( Last year we even had a big hawk smash into the window while chasing a hummingbird (of all things!)! :eek: I saved that hummingbirds life as well, as the hawk was coming back to get him for lunch. :eek:

Absolutely beautiful bird though. Just glad it was okay. :)


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Sounds great! Post em up! The hummingbirds have been going crazy here as well. I have 2 feeders on the back patio and 1 on the front porch. The males wear themselves out guarding them all. :rolleyes::D

I can't wait to put our bird feeders back up before I leave for Nova Scotia. I thoroughly enjoy watching and feeding them. Now if I could just get the squirrels to leave my feeders alone. ;)


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Great pics Chris!! After not being able to match this bird up to the warblers in any of my bird books, I looked it up on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology site, which also happens to be one of my favorite sites on the web (besides this one of course!). ;) According to the page about this paticular bird, the bird that smashed itself on our window is in it's nonbreeding plumage. :)

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One word for the squirrel problem! .22! :p Wait, I guess that's two words.... :D

Nooooo!!! It's a funny thing.... I really enjoy shooting the squirrels out in the woods where we hunt, but the ones around our house are off limits. They have a hard enough time surviving because of all the neighbors cats. :mad: I baby those squirrels though... they get all the peanuts, corncobs, and sunflower seeds they can handle! ;):D

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