Response from anti bear hunting guide


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Not too sure what to make out of that Jim, but does not look good for baiting from what I get out of it. Looks like to me if he is in the position to deal with the public, two fingered typist or not he should at least be able to make the time to answer you with a better response and not attempt to pass it off. Maybe I am wrong, but seems to be the impression I am getting.

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Re: Response from anti bear hunting guide

I've been thinking about this one quite a bit lately Jim. This was on the evening news a couple weeks ago and there was a supposed hunter on there who I believe to be the guy who sent you that letter. I'm not a bear hunter myself, but used to be a hound hunter for other game. When they say using collard hounds is not fair chase it really makes me sick. The same people who will vote to push this law are the same people who would scream at you for not letting your dog sleep on the couch. What I mean is they're pissed that the hunter cares enough to keep track of where his hound is running through the mountain country rather than not tracking him and leaving him in the woods. As for the issue of baiting.... Just let them pass this and have bears running around neighborhoods eating on people's back porches in a couple years.

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