Northern Michigan Hunters......HELP!!!


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Ok, So I'm hunting in the U.P. this year for bow season and if gas prices keep up i might be hunting up here for parts of fire arm season too, I'm a college student at Northern Michigan University and aint exactly got alot of cash, I need help finding some where to hunt that I might have some success. My goal for a U.P. is a buck of some sort or a mature doe with the bow....but I have one issue with state land, I got shot at...oh 4 years ago given I was about 4 or 5 hundred yards away but 10 or 15 rounds of .22cal wile i was in a tree stand with a bow was a bit scarry, so I'm a bit ruined on state land but up here is way different than down state. So give me some help and i know no one wants to give up good locations...........HELP!?!?!

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I hunt in the western part of Iron County every year on federal land. I love it up there. During bow season you can pretty much hunt where ever you want without bumping into anyone. There is so much land up there you shouldnt have a problem finding a spot. I hunt primarily around cedar swamps. I have never hunted around the Marquette area so I cant help you with a spot around there.

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Lil Blonde deer killer goes to NMU...maybe she could help you pick a spot?..LOL Ive rarely seen any deer around that area, everyone tells me the wolves are everywhere up there. Good Luck, you may try the timber forestry dept. for deer hunting. Potlatch foresters are near Gwinn, they have a plant at the old air force base. Id call them for land they manage.

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Howdy - I work in Marquette and live in southern Marquette County. My son just started his second year at NMU, and my daughter attended before him. I've been up here 27 years and can tell ya that there's no comparison to downstate - it'll be remarkable if you even see another bowhunter around. Just don't get lost in da swamp - you'll come out in Green Bay!

Plenty of deer in the area - Shoot me an email and I'll be glad to point out some potential spots on the county map for you.

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LOL well hopefully i wont get lost and end up in Green Bay, and i have hunted up here before but only a day or two in the past i've driven down state to hunt just because i know the difference in the deer amount. I just was looking for some pointers as to head here or don't head to this area, I'll talk a look about and see what i can find, thanks for the help thus far.

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