cant win with them


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They blame it on the refinery in Houston having to shut down ... I dont get what that should have to do with gas going up ... I mean if there is a shortage why raise the price of gas? Its just an excuse as far as I am concerned. Simple economics says that if it cost less to buy but cost more to make it should equal out ... right? If anything it should just have stayed were it was.

Its called price Guaging.


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  BowtechTurkeyHunter said:
... I dont get what that should have to do with gas going up ... I mean if there is a shortage why raise the price of gas? Its just an excuse as far as I am concerned. Simple economics says that if it cost less to buy but cost more to make it should equal out ... right?

I can't explain why gas prices are still too high while the price of a barrel of crude falls to 2/3'rds what it was back in July, but I always thought that simple economics was the law of supply and demand? If there is a shortage, the prices will rise....:confused:

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