We won best of show (Pics)


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Our company had 2 kitchens in the Parade of Homes in State College Pa. this past weekend. Myself and the other salesman took shifts working the homes and answering questions about cabinets. We do all the work in house, and build all the cabinets down to the 1/16 of an inch. I didn't design this one, so I can't take the credit. But it sure is nice to have all our hard work recognized. Enjoy the pics.



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So your the one who builds those cabinets so close to the ceiling, you have to be a contortionist to paint over them near the ceiling :D:D:D

They look great :D:)

LOL, I'm betting the people that bought this kitchen don't do there own painting.

I do agree though, take it to the ceiling or let it down 12 inches.

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