***Archery success thread 2008-2009***


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Here is my Connecticut (Pachaug)State land 9PT I got last night!! He came in at 5:16 pm...I'm not going to lie and say it was a perfect double lung shot, I hit him a little far back, but he was quartering away pretty good, so I caught the top of one lung, the bottom line is that he went down and a buddy and I found him last night about 9:15.

After the shot, I saw the arrow sticking out of him, and he ran about 60-70 yards before cutting into the woods, it appeared that he staggered cutting in, so I waited until Sunset, got down, phoned home, and just about an hour after the shot took up the trail, it had gotten to the point to where the drops were getting small so I decided to back out rather than chance pushing the animal.

I called a friend, and we went back out about 8:45, to retake up the trail, I had asked him what he thought, he said if we didn't find the deer within a 100 yards we'd back back out and wait until morning...well not even 50 yards from where I had initially stopped we found him piled up!

All the time God is good!

DSC_0277.jpg~ Van

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Guest COACH J.
my first bow buck!!!!

i've shot 3 deer 2 does and this bad boy ;)

shot october 20th 2008

i think it'd field dress somewhere over 200 ;)

haha i scored him and he's 135 7/8

not a bad first buck ;)

Nebraska 8-point


Nice buddy! Congrats

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My first bow buck story...So I've been hunting setting up on different bucks people have told me about on my parent's farm, only to find out they're real small. I've been bowhunting for a few years now and have passed on bucks waiting for a big one to be my first with a bow. This season the biggest everyone (mostly gun hunters) have seen was this 6 pointer. My cousins that hunt the same section of woods this buck was frequently in told me they weren't willing to pass him up to let him grow. So I wasn't sure on if I wanted to take him if I had the chance. Well yesterday morning a cold front came through causing the temps to drop down into the teens. I had a setup (the only funnel between two large sections of woods) that I knew was going to give me a good chance to see him or a new bigger buck. Well I saw the six pointer, gave in, and let my arrow fly. He's not big but I had very high doubts he'd make it through the gun season on our hill (hardly any bucks do). If I did things right here should be the picture....



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this is my buck from 11/08/08. Shot him after i was in my stand for only 10 min. at just after 1 o'clock. Had planned on going out that mourning too, but my roomate had shot one the night before and we recovered him out that mourning instead. Both the deer were on public land that gets hunted fairly hard. I am happy with him.





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