***Archery success thread 2008-2009***


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Well, I finally did it and connected with two deer in Ohio. I shot my 10 point on the first morning of our hunt at 8 yards and shot the doe on the 2nd evening of our hunt, I hit a branch and deflected the arrow hitting her through the liver. I let her stay until the next morning, then went and recovered her only 15 feet from where I saw her last after she ran off. The buck rough scored around 110" and weighed 185 lbs., the Doe weighed 145 lbs. It was was great week and seen some monster bucks chasing Doe's and all that fun stuff in our week up there.

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Guest franklin_emmet

2008 Ohio Whitetail 9 PointThis is a picture of a 9 point buck I harvested on 11/1/08. This is my first buck taken with a bow and the largest deer I have ever killed! Two of his tines measures 12+ inches. The meat processor told me that he weighed 215lbs field dressed. I cant wait till next year to put another deer on the wall. Good luck to everyone this deer season!!

Nice 9 point 11-01-08_1038 resized.jpg


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mathews_Pa_Bowhunter

I took my doe on 10/16/2008 and my buck on 10/31/08 from the same stand, they died about the same place. Both shot in different locations from my stand about 20 yards apart:D


Haloween Buck.jpg



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shot this doe this morning at 815, she was 3 yards out from my stand, the rage 2 broadhead hit right on the mark, wow, the whole, the entrance was right behind the shoulder and the exit was in the "armpit" right where the shoulder and chest meet... rage broadheads are the broadheads i'll use forever...at least until something a lot better comes out haha.

OMG yhats BIG

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